Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/904

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2512 IMPORT AND EXPORT PROHIBITIONS Novt'mber 8, 1927. • January 30.1928. into force on January 1st, 1930, provided that all the other coun- tries on which the entry into force of the Convention depends and the total number of which would in this case be reduood to seven- teen shall have notified the Secre- tary··General of the League of Nations of their ratifications or accessions before September 30th, 1929, and provided no objection is raised before November 15th, 1929, by any of the countries which, at the time of the deposit of their ratification or accession, made the entry into force of the Convention, in so far as they were concerned conditional upon the ratification or accession of the United States. If any objection is raised, the last paragraph of Article 17 of the Convention shall apply. {b) The High Contracting Par- ties declare that in drawing up the list of countries which appears in Article C, they have been chiefly guided by the interde- pendence of certain interests em- phasised in the course of the proceedings of the Conference. They have thought it unneces- sary to mention countries the inclusion of which would be justified only by the importance of economic interests or consider- ations of geographical situation. If they have not mentioned certain countries, it is because those countries at present impose no prohibitions of any importance. The High Contracting Parties think they can rely upon their ratification or adhesion. du 30 septembrc 1929,180 Conven- tion sera mise en vigueur a180 date du l er janvier 1930 si, du moins, tous les autres Etats, dont d~pend 180 mise en vigueur et dont Ie nombre total serait, dans ce cas, ramene a dix-sept, ont notifie au Secretaire general de 180 Societe des Nations leur ratification ou leur adhesion avant Ie 30 sep- tembre 1929 et s'il n'y est fait opposition avant 180 date du 15 novembre 1929 par aucun des Etats qui au moment du depot de leur ratification ou de leur adhe- sion, ont subordonne 180 mise en vigueur, en ce qui les concerne, de 180 Convention aIa ratification ou a l'adhesion des Etats-Unis d'Ame- rique. Dans Ie cas OU cette oppo- sition se produirait, Ie dernier alinea de l'article 17 de Ia Con- vention serait applicable. b) Les Hautes Parties contrac- tantes declarent qu'en dressant 180 liste d'Etats figurant a l'article C, elies se sont inspirees surtout de l'interdependance, affirmee au sein m~me de Ia Conference, de cer- tains inter~ts. Elies ont cru devoir omettre toute mention qui ne se serait justifiee que par l'importance des interets economiques ou par des considerations de situation geo- graphique. Si elies ont renonce a mention- ner certains Etats, c'est aussi qu'en raison du fait que ces Etats n'ont guere, a l'heure presente, de prohibitions de reelle importance, elies croient pouvoir compter sur leur ratification ou adhesion.