Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/928

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2536 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28, 1929. Two-thirds.


Ante, p. 2531. Protocolefinal, des articles 1, 5, 16, 60,71 et 93 de son Reglement et d~ tous ce1LX de soo Protocole final; b) les deux tie::s des suffrages, s'iI s'agit de la modification des dispositions autres que celles men· tionnres a l'alim~a precedent; c) la majorite absolue, s'iI s'agit de l'interpretation des disposi. tions de la Convention, de son Reglement et de leurs Protocoles finals, hors Ie cas de dissentiment a soumettre a l'arbitrage prevu a l'article 10. Conditions flIed. to be 2.-Les Arrangements fixent lesconditions auxquelles est subor· donnee J'approbation des propo- sitions qui les concernent. ARTICLE 21. Notification des resolutions. Notices of changes. Les additions et les modifica· tions apportres a la Convention, aux Arrangements et a'/1$ Proto· coles finals d~ ces Actes sont consacrees par une declaration F~om Swiss Confed· diplomatique que Ie Gouverne. eratlOn. ment de la Confederation suisse est charge d'etablir et de trans· mettre, a la demande du Bureau international, aux Gouverne· ments des Pays contractants. From International Les additions et les modifica· Bureau. · RI Eff'lCtlV6 date. International Bu- reau. Maintenance of, as a Cflntral Office. tlOns apportees aux eg ements et d leurs Protocoles finals sont constatres et notifiees aux Administrations par Ie Bureau international. n en est de m~me des interpretations visees sous 10. lettre c de l'article precedent. ARTICLE 22. Execution des resolutions. Toute addition ou modification adoptee n'e~t eXCcutoire que trois mois, au moins, apres sa notifica- tion. CHAPITRE IV. Du Bureau international. ARTICLE 23. Attributions generales. 1.-Un Office central, foncion- nant aBerne SOllS la denomination de Bureau international de l'Union postale universelle, et place sous la haute surveillance de l'Administration des postes of Articles 1, 5,16,60,72 and 93 of its Regulations, and 01 all those of its Final Protocol; b) Two-thirds of the votes, if it is a question of modifying provi- sions other than those mentioned in the preceding paragraph; c) A simple majority, if it is a question of interpreting the pro- visions of the Convention, its Reg- ulations, and their Final Protocols except in the case of disputes to be submitted to arbitration contem- plated by Article 10. 2. The Agreements fix the con- ditions to which the approval of propositivns concerning them is subject. ARTICLE 21 Notification oj deci.rions Additions to and modifications of the Convention, the Agree- ments, and the Final Protocols of those Acts, are sanctioned by a diplomatic declaration which the Government of the Swiss Confed- eration is charged. with making up and transmitting, at the request of the International Bureau, to the Governments of the contract. ing countries. Additions to and modifications of the Regulations and their Final Protocols are drawn up and com- municated to the Administrations by the InternationalBureau. The same applies to the interpretations contemplated under letter (c) of the preceding Article. ARTICLE 22 EjJecti1)e date oj decisions No addition or modification adopted is effective until at least three months after its notifica- tion. CHAPTER IV INTERNATIONAL BUREAU ARTICLE 23 General Functions 1. A central Office, functioning at Berne under the name of "In- ternational Bureau of the Uni- versal Postal Union" and placed under the supervision of the S\\iss PORtal Admmistration, serves as