Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/948

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2556 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28,1929. lion tUs documents tU service relati/s a l'envoi recherc~/ le delai tU garde prew, a l'articte 78 du Reglemem etant expire. Oette reserve ne porte pas atteinte aux droits du reclamant. a:!:fbTarmstroBot (talk) 16:58, 18 January 2013 (UTC) Si 10. perte a eu ~eu e;'1 cOUl~ de transport sans qu'll SOIt possIble d'etablir sur Ie territoire ou dans Ie service de quel pays Ie fait s'est accompli, les Offices en cause sup- portent Ie dommage par parts ~ales. Toutefois, l'integralite de l'mdemnite due droit ~tre versee 90 U;lltry of. origin to a l'Office d'origine nar 10. premi~re claim mdemDlty due. Ad .. . ~ IDlDlStration <J.Ul ne peut eta- blir la transmiSSIon reguliere de l'envoi reclame au service cor- respondant. n appartient acette Share of expense. Administration de recuperer sur autres Offices responsables la guote-part de chacun d'eux dans Ie dedommagement de l'ayant droit. Loss byforce majeure. 2.- Lorsqu'un object recom- mande a eM perdu dans des cir- constances de force majeure, 1'0f- fice sur Ie territoire ou dans Ie service duquel la perte a eu lieu n'en est responsable envers l'Of- fice expemteur que si les deux pays se chargent des risques derivant du cas de force majeure. Customs, etc., duties. S. -Les droits tU douane et awes dom l'annulation n'a pu etre obtenue tombent a la charge des Administrations responsables tU la perte. Subrogation of ~bts 4- . Par Ie fait du nayement de to paying administra- I' d . ~ l'Ad . ~. tion. 'm emnItt:, . mJDlstratlOn res- ponsable est subrogee J'usqu'a concurrence du montant e cette indemniM dans les droits de 10. personne qui l'a rec;ue, pour tout recours eventuel, soit contre Ie destinataire, soit contre l'expem- teur ou contre des tiers. Subsequent recovery. 5. En cas tU decouverte ulM- rieure d'un envoi recommande con- 8'idere comme 'Perdu, la personne a qui l'intkmnite a eee payee doit etre avisee qu'elk 'Reut prendre possession de l'envm contre resti- tution du montant tU l'intkmnite. the destruction of the service records relative to the article sought, the retention-period pre- scribed by Article 78 of the Regu- lations having expired. This res- ervation does not affect the rights of the claimant. If the loss has taken place in the course of conveyance, without its being possible to determine on the territory or in the service of which country the loss occurred, the Ad- ministrations concerned bear the loss in equal shares. However, the whole of the indemnity due must be turned over to the Admin- istration of origin by the first Ad- ministration which can not estab- lish the regular transmission of the article in question to the cor- responding service. I t is incum- bent upon the latrer Administra- tion to recover from the other responsible Administrations the share of each of them in the in- demnity paid to the sender. 2. When a registered article has been lost under circumstances of force majeure, the Administration on whose territory or in whose service the loss took place is not responsible to the dispatching Ad· ministration unless both cOlmtries undertake risks arising from~ cases of force majeure. 3. The customs duties and other charges whose cancelation it has been impossible to obtain are charged to the Admjnjstrations responsible for the loss. 4. By the fact of the payment of the mdemnity, the responsible Administration is subrogated up to the amount of that indemnity fu the rights of the person who has received it for all eventual recourse against the addressee, the sender, or a third party. o. In case of subsequent recov- ery of a registered article consid- ered as lost, the person to whom the indemnity has been paid shall be advised that he may obtain possession of the article by repay- mg the amount of the indemnity.