Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/985

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28,1929. 2598 ARTICLE 16. lmprimes. l.--.....%nt consideres comme im- primes les journau."\: et ouvrages periodiques, les livres broches ou relies, les brochures, les papiers de musique (a l'exclusion des papiers perfores destines a etre adaptes a des instruments de musique auto- matiques), les cartes de visite, les cartes-adresse, les epreuves d'im- primerie avec ou sans les manus- crits s'y rapportant, les gravures, les photographies et les albums contenant des photographies, les images, les dessins, plans, cartes geographiques, catalogues, pros- pectus, annonces et avis divers, IIDprimes, graves, lithographies ou autographies, et, en general, toutes les impressions (lU repro- ductions obtenues sur papier, sur parchemin ou sur carton, au moyen de la typographie, de la g!"avure, de la lithographie et de l'autographie, ou de tout ~utre procede mecanique, facile arecon- naitre, hormis de decalque, les timbres d caracteres mobiles ou rwn et la machine a ecrire. 2. - La taxe des imprimes n'est pas applicable a'lI,x imprimes qui portent des signes quelconques susceptibles de constituer un lan- gage conventionnel, ni, sauf les exceptions explicitement autori- sees par l'article 18, A ceux dont Ie texte a ete modifie apr~s tirage. 3.-Les articles de papeterie p'roprement dits, des l'instant OU il apparait clairement que fa partie imprimee n'est pas l'es8en- ti~ de l'objet, ne pe'<went eire expedies au tariJ des imprimes. 4-. -Les cartes portant Ie titre "Carte postale" ou l'equivalent de ce titre d~ns une langue quel- conque sont admises au tarif des imprimes, pourvu qu'elles repon- dent aux conditions generales applicables aux imprimes. Celles <J.Ul ne remplissent pas ces condi- tIOns sont traitees comme cartes post, ales ou eventuellement comme lettres, par application des dispo- sitions de Particle 13, § 5, du Reglement, ARTICLE 16 Prints PrInts. 1. The following are considered Articles as prints: Newspapers and peri- 88. odicals, stitched or bound books, pamphlets, sheets of music (except perforated paper rolls for auto- coll.5ldered matic musical instruments), visit- ing cards, address cards, printing proofs with or without the relative manuscript, engravings, photo- grapbs, and albums containing photogrf\phs, pictures, drawings, plans, maps, catalogs, prospec- tuses, advertisements, and printed, engraved, lithographed or autographed notices of various kinds, and, in general, all impres- sions or copies obtained OJl paper, parchment or cardboard, by means of printing, engraving, lithography, autography or any other easily recognizable mecham- cal process, with the exception of the copying press, stamps with movable or immovable type, and tihe typewriter. 2. The print rate does not Exclusions. apply to prints which bear any 1:' arks capable of constituting a conventional language, or, save the exceptions specifically author- ized by Article 18, to those of which the text has been modified after printing. 3. Articles of stationery prop- Stationery. erly so-called, when it apyears clearly that the printed text 18 I!ot the essential part of the article, can not be sent at the print rate. 4. Cards bearing the heading Post cards. "Carte postale" (post card) or the equivalent of that heading in any language are admitted at the print rate provided that they fulfill the general conditions applicable to prints. Those which do not ful- fill those conditions '1.l'e treated as post cards, or, if occasion arises, as letters, by application of the provisions of ArtICle 13, Section Ante, p. 2. '\91. 5, of the Regulations.