Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1150

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1126 CR OSS R EFERE NCE Posthumous children, rights of, see sections 213, 231, 370, and 419 . SEC. 19. DEL EGATI ON OF POWE RS ; M INORS .-A minor can not give a delegation of power, nor, under the age of eighteen, make a con- tra ct relating to rea l property, or any interest therein, or relating to any personal property not in his immediate possession or control . SEC . 20. CONTRACTS BY MINORS .-A mi nor may ma ke any oth er- contra ct th an as spec ified in s ectio n 19, in the same manner as an adult, subject only to his power of disaffirmance unde r the prov ision s of this chap ter, and s ubjec t to the p rovis ions of the c hapte r on marri age . SEC. 21. WHEN MINOR MAY DISAFFIRM .-In all cases other than those specified in sections 22 and 23, the contract of a minor, if made whils t he is un der the age of eight een, may be dis affir med by the minor himself, either before his majority or within a reasonable time afterwards ; or, in case of his death within that period, by his heirs or perso nal r epres entat ives ; and if the co ntrac t be made by the min or whi lst he is ove r the age of eighteen, it may be disaffirmed in like manne r upo n res torin g the cons idera tion to the par ty fr om wh om it was received, or paying its equivalent . SEC. 22. MINOR CAN NOT DISAFFIRM CONTRACT FOR NEO ESSAR IES ; A minor cannot disaffirm a contract, otherwise valid, to pay the reason- able value of things necessary for his support, or that of his family, entered into by him when not under the care of a parent or guardian ab le to provide for him or them . SEC. 23.. MINOR CAN NOT DISAFFIRM CERTAIN OBLIGATIONS .-A minor can not dis affir m an oblig ation , oth erwis e val id, e ntere d int o by him 'under the express authority or direction of a statute . SEC . 24. CONTRACTS BY PERSONS WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING .-A per- son entirely without understanding has no power to make a contract of an kind, but he is liable for the reasonable value of things fur- nis hed to him necessary for his support or the support of hi s family . CR OSS R EFERE NCE Post, p .1191 .

Contracts of insane persons, see sections 491 and 492 Unsound mind . SEC. 25 . CONTRACTS BY PERSONS OF UNSOUND MIND .-A contract of a person of unsound mind, but not entirely without understanding, made b efore his incap acity has been judic ially dete rmine d, is subj ect to rescission, as provided in sections 580 to 583 . Post, pp. 1155, 1157, 1174,1181 . Minors. Deleg ation of p owers . Contracts by . Wh en may disaffirm . Can not disaffirm contract for necessaries . Statutory obliga- tions. Contracts by persons without understand- ing . Post, pp. 1201,1337 . Powers of persons whose incapacity has been adjudged . Tort liability of mi- nor s ; exemplary dam- ages. 72d C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 128. FEBRUARY 27, 1933. CR OSS R EFERE NCE Rescission of contracts, see sections 580 to 583 and 1645 to 1647 . SEC. 26. POWERS OF PERSONS WHO SE INCAPACITY HAS BERN ADJUDGED .-After his incapacity has be en judicially determined, a person of uns oun d min d can m ake no contract, nor delegate any power or waive any right, until his restoration to capacity . But a cer tif ic ate f rom the me dic al superintendent or resident physician of the insane asylum to which such person may have been committed, showi ng th at su ch pe rson had b een d ischa rged there from, cure d and restor ed to reas on, s hall estab lish the p resum ption of l egal capac ity in such person from the time of such discharge . SEC. 27 . MINORS LIABLE FOR WR ONG S, BUT NOT LIABLE FOR EXEMPLARY DAM AGE S .-A m inor, or p erson of u nsoun d min d, of what ever degre e, is civ illy liabl e for a wr ong d one by him , but is not li able in ex em- plary damages unless at the time o f the act he was capable of know- ing t hat it was wron gful .