Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/124

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I . CH. 125 . APRIL 22, 1932 . ico : Miscellaneous pueblos, $2,800 ; Zuni, $10,000 ; Washington : Colville, $4,300 ; Administrat ion.

For n ecessary miscellan eous expe nses inc ident to the gener al admin- Irri gatio n projects, istration of Indian irrigation projects, including pay of employees etc .

and their traveling and incidental expenses, $75,000 ; Bala nce a vail able .

In all, for irrigation on Indian reservations, not to exceed $163,000, Vol. 38, p. 583 .

together with the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this U.S. C.,p. 715.

purpose f or the fi scal year 1932, wh ich is he reby cont inued ava ilable until Jun e 30, 193 3, reimbu rsable as provided in the A ct of Aug ust 1, lj spU 13s Uso restricted.

1914 (U . S . C. title 25, sec . 385) : Provided, That no part of this appropria tion s~ia ll be exp ended on any irrig ation sys tem or re clama- Flood damages, etc ., tion project for which public funds are or may be otherwise available

elimitation . interchan ge- able; Provided further, That the foregoing amounts appropriated for such purposes shall be available intercha ngeably, in the di scretion of the Secretary of the I nterior, for the n ecessary expenditu res for d amages by floods and other unforseen exigencies, but the amount so inter- changed shall not exceed in the aggregate 10 per centum of all the Apportionment of amounts so appropriated : Provided further, That the cost of irriga- costs on per acre bas's' tion projects and of operating and maintaining such projects where reimbursement thereof is required by law shall be apportioned on a per acre basis against the lands ujider the respective projects and Unpa id cha rge s a shall be collected by the Secretary of the Interior as required by such first lien on property . law, and any unpaid charges outstanding against such lands shall constitute a first lien thereon which shall be recited in any patent or instrument issued for such lands . San Carlo s Reserva- For all p urpose s nece ssary to pro vide a n adequ ate di stribu ting, Lion , -Ar iz.

pumping, and drainage system for the San Carlos p] ro Vol.43,p . 475.


author- Irrigation of tribal ] author- land s.

Ized by the Act of June 7, 1924 (43 Stat ., p . 475), and to continue constr uction of an d to m aintai n and operate works of th at pro ject FIorance-Casa and of the Florence-Casa Grande project ; and to maintain, o erate, Grande project . Maintenance, etc . and extend works to deliver water to lands in the Gila River Indian Gila River Indian Reservation which may be included in the San Carlos project, includ- Reservation. Water delivery to . ing not more than $5,000 for crop and improvement damages and Rights of way, etc . not more than $5,000 for purchases of rights of way, $75,000, together with t he une xpende d bala nce of the a ppropri ation for th is pur pose Vol . 45, p.1126. for the fiscal year 1932, which is hereby continued available until June 30, 1933, reimbursable as required by said Act of June 7, 1924, as amended, and subject to the conditions and provisions imposed by said Act as amended . Colorado River In . For improvement, operation, and maintenance of the pumping dian Rese rvation, Ariz . Improvements.

plants and irrigation system on the Colorado River Indian RReserva- Vol. 36, p. 273 .

tion, Arizona, as provided in the Act of Apri1 4, 1910 (36 Stat ., p. 273), $20,000, reimbursable as provided in the aforesaid Act . Ganadoirrigation Fo r oper ation and ma intena nce of the G anado i rrigat ion pr oject, proj ect e`' i lon'etc .

Arizona, reimbursable under such rules and regulations as the Secre- tary of the Interior may prescribe, $3,000 . San Carlos Reserva- For the operation and maintenance of pumping plants for the tion, Ariz.

irrigati on of lan ds on the San Carl os Reser vation in Arizona, $5,000, to be paid from the funds held by the United States in trust for the Proviso . Indians of such reservation : Provided, That the sum so used shall Reimbursement .

be rei mbursed t o the tri be by the Indians benefited , under s uch rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe . Fort IIal1 project, Idabo .

For improvements, maintenance, and operation of the Fort Hall Operation.

irriga tion syst em, Idaho , $35,000 . Damage claims .

For impr ovem ents to the For t Hall irrigation project, Idaho, inclu ding p ayment of da mage c laims and pur chase of rig hts of way, Vol. 46, p.1061.

as au thoriz ed by and in accor dance with th e prov isions of th e Act of February 4, 1931 (46 Stat ., p. 1061), $250,000, reimbursable as