Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1405

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 144. MARCH 1, 1933 .

1381 SALARIES AND EXPENSES, BUREAU OF PhISONS Salaries and expenses : For salaries and expenses in connection with the supervision of the maintenance and care of United States prisoners, including not to exceed $179,163 for personal services in the District of Colum bia and elsewhere, trave ling expenses, and expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the work' of such bure au w hen auth ori zed by the Attorney General ; $204,000 . B ureau of Pr isons . Salaries and expenses . Vol.46,p.325. BUREAU OF PR OHIBITI ON

Prohibition Bureau . Sal ar ies a nd ex pen se s : For expenses to en force and administer Salaries and expenses . the applicable provisions of the National Prohibition Act, as 42, P. 222; Vol.544 p. ame nde d and supp lem ent ed (U. S. C ., title 27), and internal revenue 138' Vol .46,p.427. >


U.S.C.,p.853; Supp. laws, pursuant to the Act of March 3, 1927 (U . S . C ., Stipp . V, title VI, pp.24,595,596. 5, sees. 281-281e), and the Act of May 27, 1930 (U. S. C., Supp. V, title 27, sees. 143. 192), including the employment of executive offi- cers, attorneys, agents, inspectors, investigators, supervisors, clerks, messengers, and other personnel, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, to be appointed as authorized by law ; the securing of Securing evidence. evidence of violations of the Acts ; the cost of chemical analysis made by ot her t han em ploye es of the United Stat es an d expe nses incid ent to the giving of testimony in relation thereto ; the purchase of sta- Suppltes,etc, tionery, supplies, equipment, mechanical devices, newspapers, and periodicals not to exceed $350, books, including law book s and books of reference, and such other expenditures as may be necessary in the District of Columbia and the several field offices ; costs incurred Seizures, et c . i n the seizure, storage, and disposition of liquor and property seized under the National Prohibition Act, including seizures made under Proceedings. the internal revenue laws if a violation of the National Prohibition R.S.,see.3460,p.685. Act is involved and disposition is made under section 3460, Revised U.S.C.,p.846. Statutes (U . S . C ., title 26, sec . 1193) ; costs incurred in the seizure, storage, and disposition of any vehicle and team or automobile, boat, air or water craft, or any other conveyance, seized pursuant to sec- Vol. 41, p. 315. tion 26, Title II, of the National Prohibition Act, when the proceeds U. S.C.,p. 858. of sale are insufficient therefor or where there is no sale ; purchase of pass enger-ca rrying mo tor vehi cles at a total cost of not to e xceed $50,000, including the value of any vehicles exchanged, and the hire, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled or horse- drawn p assenger -carrying vehicle s for of ficial u se in fi eld work ; and for rental of quarters ; in all, $8,440,000, of which amount not to exceed $336,453 may be expended for personal services in the District tri Seervices In the Dis . of Columbia : Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be Provisos . used for or in connection with 11 wire tapping " to procure evidence wire tapping" for- bidden, of violations of the National Prohibition Act, as amended and sup- plem ente d : Provided further, Th at no fun ds hereby appropriated ing evidence, en on shall be used for the purchase of intoxicating liquors which are consumed by the investigator or anyone with him, nor to pay informers, nor for the purchase of evidence except that the Director of Prohibition may authorize the payments of rewards for information of major violations of the law . JUDICIAL UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT S alaries : For the Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices ; reporter of the court ; and all other officers and employees, whose compensation shall be fixed by the court, except as otherwise pro- vided by law, and who may be employed and assigned by the Chief justice to any office or work of the court, including an additional Judicial. Unite d States Su . preme Court . Salaries of Justices . All other off icers, etc .