Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/143

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I . CH. 125 . APRIL 22, 1932 .

119 For topographic surveys in various portions of the United States, Topographiosurveys . $366,000, and in addition thereto $150,000 of the unexpended balance for the fiscal year 1932 is continued available for the same purpose for the fiscal year 1933, of which amount not to exceed $345,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia : p, .i so. Prov ided, Tha t no part of this appr opria tion sha ll be exp ended ip W oo etae`s;°eeape~ cooperation with States or municipalities except upon the basis of the S tate o r muni cipali ty be aring all of the e xpense inci dent t hereto in ex cess o f such an am ount as is necess ary fo r the Geolo gical Survey to perform its share of standard topographic surveys, such share of the Geological Survey in no case exceeding 50 per centum of the Sum for cooperaticn. cost of the survey : Provided further, That $256,000 of this amount shall be ava ilable only for such cooperat ion with State s or munic ipalit ies ; For geologic surveys in the various portions of the United States Ge ol ogi c surveys. and chemical and physical researches relative thereto, $325,000, of which not to exceed $280,000 may be expended for personal services Res earch in ge ologi c in the District of Columbia ;

sc ien ce. For fundamental research in geologic science, $40,000 ; Fo r volcanologic surveys, measurements, and observatories in volcanologiosurveys. Hawa ii, i nclu ding subo rdin ate s tati ons e lsew here , $15 ,000 ;

Alaska mineral ra For continuation of the investigation of the mineral resources of son roes . Alaska, $60,000, to be available immediately, of which amount not to exceed $30,000 may be expended for personal services in the Dis- trict of Columbia ;

Water supply . For gaging streams and determining the water supply of the Stream gag ing ; i n- United States, the investigation of underground currents and vestigations n artesian wells, and the preparation of reports upon the best methods g of utilizing the water resources, $560,000 ; for operation and mainte- oagingstationsg nance of the Lees Ferry, Arizona, gagin~ station and other base aging stations in the Colorado River drainage, $40,000 ; in all, 600,000, of which amount not to exceed $150,000 may be expended Proviso, . for personal services in the District of Columbia : Provided, That no wic o& e .neape°~ part of this appropriation shall be expended in cooperation with States or municipalities except upon the basis of the State or municipality bearing all of the expense incident thereto in excess of such an amount as is necessary for the Geological Survey to per- form its share of general water-resource investigations, such share of the Geological Survey in no case exceeding 50 per centum of the Amount for cost of the investigation : Provided further, That $450,000 of this tion. amount shall be available only for such cooperation with States or munic ipalit ies ;

Examfnationand elas • For the examination and classification of lands with respect to siflcationoflands . mineral character, water resources, and agricultural utility as required by the public land laws and for related administrative opera- tions ; for the preparation and publication of land classification maps and reports ; for engineering supervision of power permits and grants under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior ; and for per- formance of work of the Federal Power Commission, $175,000, of which amount not to exceed $125,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . For printing and binding, $120,000 ; for preparation of illustra- Printingandhinding . tions, $20,000 ; and for engraving and printing geologic and topo- graphic maps, $110,000 ; in all, $250,000 ; For the enforcement of the provisions of the Acts of October 20, onm aetNonmetallic mineral 1914 (U . S . C., title 48, sec. 435), October 2, 1917 (U . S. C., title 30, Enforcement of pro- sec . 141), February 25, 1920 (U . S . C ., title 30, see . 181), and March v`oi~3s ,p~ 741 ; Vol . 4, 1921 (U . S. C ., title 48, sec . 411), and other Acts relating to the 4'U " ' Vol. 41, pp . mining and recovery of minerals on Indian and public lands and

. c•, pp, 983, 984, 1595, 1598 .