Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1442

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1418 To be operated as public building d Sum for alterations, etc. March 19 33 [H. R . 11736.] [Pu bl ic, No . 403.] Provisos . Restric tion . on fur- ther all otm ents . Vol . 23 p .96. U. S. d.,p.1338. Po rt ion of oil, etc ., revenu es, to be paid to state . Use of. Nav ajo Indi an Res- ervation, Utah. Designated lands set aside as addition to. Description. 72d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CHS . 159, 160 . MA RCH 1, 1933 . blo ck 22, origi nal to wn, f acing east o n Pine Stree t and havin g dime n- sions of twenty-six by ninety-six feet, together with the one-story bank building now located thereon ; that said property shall be used and operated as are other pub lic buildings, and that the annual appropriations for the general maintenance of public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department shall be construed to be available for use in connection with said property as for other buildings under said department ; and there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any m oney in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $1,000 to be used for the purpose of alter- ing, repairing, and reconditioning said building to make same avail- able for use as a post office. Approved, March 1, 1933 . [CHAPTER 160 .1 AN ACT To permanently set aside certain lands in T tah as an addition to the Navajo I ndian Reservation, and for other pu rposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That all vacant, unreserved, and undisposed of public lands within the areas in the southern part of the State of Utah, bounded as follows : Beginning at a point where the San Juan River intersects the one hundred and tenth degree of west longitude ; thence down said river to its confluence with the Colorado River ; thence down the Colorado River to a point where said river crosses the boundary line between Utah and Arizona ; thence east along said boundary line to the one hundred and tenth degree of west longitude ; thence north to the place of beginning ; also beginning at a point where the west rim of Monte- zuma Creek or wash intersects the north boundary line of the Navajo Indian Reservation in Utah ; thence northerly along the western rim of said creek or wash to a point where it intersects the section line running east and west between sections 23 and 26, township 39 south range 24 east, Salt Lake base and meridian in Utah ; thence eastward along said section line to the northeast section corner of section 26, township 39 south, range 25 east ; thence south one mile along the section line between sections 25 and 26 to the southeast section corner of section 26, township 39 south, range 25 east ; thence eastward alon g the sectio n line betw een se ctions 25 an d 36, towns hip 39 south , range 25 east, extending through township 39 south, range 26 east, to its intersection with the boundary line between Utah and Colo- rado ; thence south along said boundary line to its intersection with the north boundary line of the Navajo Indian Reservation ; thence in a westerly direction along the north boundary line of said reser- vation to the point of beginning be, and the same are hereby, per- manently withdrawn from all forms of entry or disposal for the benefit of the Navajo and such other Indians as the Secretary of the Interior may see fit to settle thereon : Provided, That no further allotments of lands to Indians on the public domain shall be made in San Juan County, Utah, nor shall further Indian homesteads be made in said county under the Act of July 4, 1884 (23 Stat . 96 ; U. S. C ., title 43, sec . 190) . Should oil or gas be produced in paying quantities within the lands hereby added to the Navajo Reservation, 371/2 per centum of the net royalties accruing therefrom 'derived from tribal leases' shall be paid to the State of Utah : Provided, That said 371/2 per centum of said royalties shall be expended by the