Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1471

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 203 . M ARCH 3, 1933 .

1447 formation of floods, and including the payment of rewards under regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture for information leading to the arrest and conviction for violation of the laws and regula- tions relating to fires in or near national forests, or for the unlawful taking of, or injury to, Government property ; to ascertain the nat- ural conditions upon and utilize the national forests ; to transport and care for fish and game supplied to stock the national forests or gram of fis h and the waters therein ; to employ agents, clerks, assistants, and other labor requ ired i n pra ctica l for estry and i n the admin istra tion of national forests in the city of Washington and elsewhere ; to collate, digest, report, and illustrate the results of experiments and investi- gations made by the Forest Service ; to purchase necessary supplies, station supplies, ate . apparatus, office fixtures, law books, reference and technical books and technical journals for officers of the Forest Service stationed out- side of Washington, and for medical supplies and services and other assistance necessary for the immediate relief of artisans, laborers, and ot her em ploy ees en gag ed in any ha zard ous wo rk und er the Forest Service : Provided further, That the appropriations for the naWa eh ouse main te- wo rk of the Forest Ser vi ce shall be available for meeting the expenses of warehouse maintenance and the procurement, care, and handling of supplies and materials stored therein for distribution to projects under the supervision of the Forest Service and for sale and d istri bution to o ther Gover nment activ ities , the cost of su ch supplies and materials, including the cost of supervision, transporta- tion, and handling, to be reimbursed to appropriations current at the time additional supplies and materials are procured foi ware- house stocks from the appropriations chargeable with the cost of stock issued ; to pay freight, express, telephone, and telegraph charges ; for electric light and power, fuel, gas, ice, and washing towels, and official traveling and other necessary expenses, including trave ling expens es fo r leg al an d fisc al of ficer s whil e per formi ng! Forest Service work ; and for rent outside of the District of Colum- Outside rent . bia, as follows General administrative expenses : For necessary expenses for gen- chief Forester and eral administrative purposes, including the salary of the Chief office personnel . Forester and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $327,819. NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION

National forests . For the employment of forest supervisors, deputy forest super- Forest supervisor ards, etc . visors, forest rangers, forest guards, and administrative clerical rangers, gu assistants on the national forests, and for additional salaries and field-station expenses, including the maintenance of nurseries, col- lecting seed, and planting, necessary for the use, maintenance, improvement, and protection of the national forests, and of addi- v•3s,p s63

v o1

. 43, tional national forests created or to be created under section 11 of p ., ,3', the Act of March 1, 1911 (U . S. C., title 16, sec. 521), and under the U. B. c ., p.418-42& Act of June 7, 1924 (U . S . C ., title 16, sets . 471, 499, 505, 564-570), and la nds unde r contra ct for p urchase or for th e acquis ition of which cond emna tion proceedings have been instituted for the purposes of said Acts, and for necessary miscellaneous expenses incident to the general administration of the Forest Service and of the national fore sts In n atio nal forest region 1, Montana, Washington, Idaho, and l0Disstrict expenses al „ South Dakota, $1,457,066 : Provided, That the Secretary of Agri- Proviso f graves of are culture is authorized to use not to exceed $200 in caring for the fighters . graves of fire fighters buried at Wallace, Idaho ; Newport, Wash- ington ; and Saint Maries, Idaho ;