Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1605

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 281 . MAR CH 4, 1933 .

1581 the service of the fiscal year 1934 : Provided, That not more than Rentsoutside Dis- $16,000 of the appropriations contained in this Act shall be available met . for rent of offices outside the District in Columbia in connection with wo rk inc ident to the assur ance o f adequ ate pr ovisio n for the mobilization of materiel and industrial organizations essential to Rentals for military war-time needs : Provided further, That this appropriation shall be attacM,. available for the rental of offices, garages, and stables for military attaches : Provided further, That no part of the funds herein appro- ti Limitation oar priated shall be available for construction of a permanent nature of an addi tional build ing or an ex tensio n or ad dition to an exist ing building, the cost of which in any case exceeds $20,000 ; Provide stable rent . further, That the monthly rental rate to be paid out of this appro- priation for stabling any animal shall not exceed $15 . SEW ERAG E SY STEM , FO RT MO NROE , VI RGIN IA For repai r and mainte nance of wha rf and apron of wha rf, in clud- ing all necessary labor and material therefor, fuel for waiting roosts ; water, brooms, and shovels, $20,280 ; for one-third of said sum, to be supplied by the Un ited Stat es, $6,76 0 . For rakes, shovels, and brooms ; repairs to roadway, pavements, macadam and asphalt block ; repairs to street crossings ; repairs to street drains, and labor for cleaning roads, $8,469 ; for two-thirds of said sum, to be supplied by the United States, $5,646 . Fo r waste, oil, moto r and pum p repairs , sewer pipe, cem ent, bric k, stone, supplies, and personal services, $6,690 ; for two-thirds of said sum, to be supplied by the United States, $4,460 . CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR OF HOSPITALS SIGNAL SERVICE OF THE ARMY Fort Monroe, Va . Wharf, etc. Roads, etc . Sewers, Hospitals . Fo r constru ction and repair o f hospita ls at mi litary po sts alrea dy etc onet ruatien , repai r, establis hed and o ccupied, including all exp enditures for cons truction and repairs required at the Army and Navy Hospital at Hot Springs, Arkansas, and for the construction and repair of general hospitals and expenses incident thereto, and for additions needed to meet the

p requiremets of increased garrisons, and for temporary hospitals in 40sspitmsls„etcy camp standing camps and cantonments ; for the alteration of permanent buildings at posts for use as hospitals, construction and repair of tempora ry hos pital buildi ngs at perma nent po sts, c onstru ction and repair o f tempora ry genera l hospita ls, rent al or pur chase of grounds, and rental and alteration of buildings for use for hospital purposes in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, including necessary tem- porary quarters for . hospital personnel, outbuildings, heating and laundr y appa ratus, plumb ing, w ater a nd sewe rs, an d elec tric w ork, cooking appar atus, and ro ads an d walk s for t he sam e, $49 7,232 . SIGNAL CORPS

Signal Corps. Signal Service . Telegraph and telephone systems : Purchase, equipment ., operation, pTelegraph saa tale and repair of military telegraph, telephone, radio, cable, and signal- eto urehase m , operation, ing systems

signa l eq uipme nt an d sto res, heli ograp hs, signa l

lanterns, flag s, an d o ther nece ssary ins truments ; wind vanes, barom - eters, anemometers, thermometers, and other meteorological instru- Ine nts

photographic and cinematographic work performed for the

Army by the Signal Corps ; not to exceed $18,641 for mileage or other travel allowances of officers, and traveling expenses of em- ployees, traveling on duty in connection with the Signal Service