Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1635

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 282. MAR CH 4, 1933 .

1611 authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to settle claims for damages to private property arising from collisions with naval vessels," approved December 28, 1922 (U . S . C ., title 34, sec . 599), as fully set forth in House Document Numbered 556, Seventy-second Congress, $637 .99. BUREAU OF NAVI GATI ON

Bureau of Naviga. tion. Trans portat ion : F or an additi onal a mount for tr avel a llowanc e, Tran sporta tion, e tc ° and so forth , includi ng the sa me object s specifi ed under this head in the Naval Appro priati on Act for t he fis cal yea r 1923 , $50 .4 1. DEPAR TMENT OF ST ATE Department of State . Salaries : Foreign Service officers while receiving instructions and 0. 1"'g` 'lee of in transit : For an additional amount for salaries, Foreign Service sit p ayaction and tran ° officers while receiving instructions and in transit, including . the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appro- iations for the Department of State for the fiscal year 1981, 101 .25. International Prison Commission : For an additional amount for ComEt onal Prison the International Prison Commission, including . the same objects Vol .43,p.71. specified under this head in the Act making appropriations for the Department of State for the fiscal year 1929, $70 . International Institute of Agriculture at Rome, Italy : For the ~,~ inter nationa l

ti. payment of the quota of the United States, including the Terri- tory of Hawaii, and the dependencies of the Philippine Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, for the support of the Inter- natio nal Insti tute of A gricultur e for th e calenda r year 19 33, $5 40 0 . Convention relating to liquor traffic in Africa : To meet the share' African liquor traffic of the United States in the expenses for the calendar year 1933 of con vu1tis' pp . 2262, the C entral In ternation al Office , create d under a rticle 7 of the co n- 1321. vention of September 10, 1919, relating to the liquor traffic in Africa (convention of September 10, 1919, 46 Stat ., pt. 2, p . 2199 ; Act February 23, 1931, 46 Stat .,p 1320), $55 . Payment to Government of Mexico : For payment to the Govern- io Government of Mex. ment of Mexico as authorized by Public Act Numbered 374, indemnity for deaths approved February 25, 1933, the sum of $15,000 for the account of bioEandO Manel Go- the family of Emilio Cortez Rubio and the sum of $15,000 for the m A;u~, p . 907. account of the family of Manuel Gomez for the killing in or near Ardmore Oklahoma, on June 7, 1931, of E milio Cort ez R ubio and Manuel domez by two deputy sheriffs of the State of Oklahoma ; in all $30,000 . international monetary and economic conference

For the ex- nomto - nd penses of participation by the United States in an international Expenses of partid- monetary and economic conference to be held in London, and for each pal% and every purpose connected therewith, including traveling expenses ; personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, without reference to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended


Vol. 42, p.1488 ; Vol. and other services by contract if deemed necessary, without regard 48 V.s.„c.;p. es; Supp. to the provisions of section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C . vtAdvertisement .. title 41, sec . 5) ; rent ; purchase of necessary books and documents ; R.S .,sec.3709,p .733. printing and binding ; official cards ; entertainment ; hire, mainte- „s . C., p.1309. nance, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles and such other expenses as may be authorized by the Secretary of State, fiscal year 1933, to remain available during the fiscal year 1934, $150,000 .