Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1698

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INDEX. xlix Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932-Continued. Post offices, use of standard plans ____ _ Restri:::tions: cOI~vict labor, thirty-hour week; ex-service men preference __ Cumulative sinking fund; additional authorizations _______________ . __ _ Appropriation for addition to______ _ Title to public building sites subject to mineral rights reservation _______ _ Emigrant Indians. See Cherokee Indians. Employees and Employers. See Injunc- tions in Labor Disputes. Employees' Compensation Commission. See Independent Offices. Employees' Compensation Fund, appro- priation for ______________________ _ Employment Agencies, license, etc., for conducting, in Distlict of Columbia_ Einployment Service. See Labor, De- partment of. Engineer Corps. See also War Depart- ment. Lake of the Woods and Rainy River, Minn., protective works, etc., bal- ance a vailable __________________ _ Mouse River, N. Dak., appropriation Page. 724 724 724 1492 901 457 559 542 a vailable for survey oL __________ 542 Engineering Bureau, Navy. See Navy Department. Engines, appropriation for investigation of automotive__________________ 507,1397 Engraving and Printing, Bureau of. See also Treasury Department. Proceeds of work to be credited to Bureau______________________ 58!), 1498 Scientific investigations by Bureau of Standards___________________ 589, 1498 Work for fiscal year 1932 increased____ 539 Enlisted Men. See also Army; Navy. Restoration to former retired status, emergency officers_ ______________ 776 'Var-time commissioned rank given, on retirement_______ _______________ 150 Ensigns. See Naval Academy. Entomology, Bureau of. See Agricul- ture, Department of. Epidemics, appropriation for prcvention oL ___________________________ 591, 1500 Eslick, Edward E., payment to widow oL 525 Essex Shore Way, Inc., may bridge Mer- rimack River at Plum Island Point, Mass____________________________ 1559 Estate Taxes: Additional- Assessment, collection, and pay- ment________________________ 245 Credits against________ __ ___ _______ 245 Imposition oL_____________________ 243 Estate Taxes-Continued. Amendments- Charitable bequests______________ _ Credit of gift tax on estate tax _____ _ Curtesy, relinquishment as consid- eration ______________________ _ Deductions______________________ _ Dower, relinquishment as consid- eration ______________________ _ Eighty per centum crediL ________ _ Extension of time for payments____ _ Future interests __________________ _ Time extended for payment_____ _ Liens for taxes ___________________ _ Prior taxed property______________ _ Reiunds ________________________ _ Estonia, agreement with, to postpone Page._ 282 278 280 280 280 278 282 279 284 283 281 283 payment of indebtedness authorized_ 3 Estonia. Latvia. and Lithuania. appropria- tion for envoy extraordinary, etc., to ____________________________ 47~ 1373 Ethiopia, appropriation for American con- vict prison maintenance _________ 487,1.378 Euchee, Okla.• appropriation for educa- tion of Indians__________________ 106,834 Eufaula, Okla., appropriation for educa- tion of Indians ___________________ 106,834 Europe. appropriation for de"/elopment of commerce in _________________ 499,1390 European Corn Borer. appropriation for control, etc________________ 631,640,1463 European Fowl Pest. sums available for control, etc____________________ 621,1442 Eustis. Va., appropriation for Federal Correctio'tal Camp________________ 1387 Excise Taxes. See Income Tax; Manu- facturers' Excise Tax. Executive Departments: Abatement of actions pending on trans- fer, etc., of executive agencies_____ 1518 Abolition by Executive order_________ 1518 Effective date_____________________ 1519 Annual reports to contain statement of receipt from fees, charges, etc __ Appropriations, transfer of, fiscal year 1933 __________________________ _ Articles, etc., produced in United States to be acquired for publif) use; exception __________________ _ " United States" and "public use" defined ______________________ _ Public building construction ma- terials; exception when cost in- creased ______________________ _ Contractors, etc., failing to comply__ Effective date ____________________ _ Automobiles, cost limit; use restriction_ Consolidation of functions ___________ _ "Ex~cutive agency" defined _________ _ Official insignia, prevent misuse of ___ _ 411 411 152(} 1520 1520 1521 1521 1513 1518 1518 342