Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1770

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INDEX. em WuIlIqton Couay. P. .. may bridp p .... Monongahela River ai; Fayette City_ 85 WuIdqtoa. D . C . S .. alto Diatrict of Columbia. Appropr.ation for Poet Office Building extension construction___________ 1502 Heating plant eervice extended to additional public buildings____ MO, 1613 National Institute of Health Building, appropriation available until ex- pended_________________________ MO W....ratton Monument, D. C •• appropri- ation for maintenance, etc__________ 4M Wuhlqton RaHway ad Electric Com- puy, D. C . See alao District < C0- lumbia, Street railway merger. Relocation of street railway traeks____ 350 WaaIafqton Subarba Saaltary Commls- aioa, water delivery to, from D. C . mains authorized; provisions of agree- ment____________________________ 80 Water Bvundary Commission, United States ad Mexico: Appropriation for contribution________ 480 Transfer of funds by Secretary of State to Geological Survey, etc_ 481 Waterma, Ana. R ., payment to________ 780 W.ter-Rieht Applieaats. See Irrigation and Reclamation. Waterton·Glaeier Intern.tional Peace Park, established; administration, etc______________________________ 145 Water-Users Or,anizations. See Irriga- tion and Reclamation. W.terways Treaty, United States ad Great Britain, appropriation for ex- penses under___________________ 483,1377 Weather Bureau. See Agriculture, De- partment of. Wei,hts and Meuares, International Bureau of, appropriation for contri- bution________________________ 480, 1376 Wellsbur" W. Va., time extended for bridging Ohio River at_____________ 699 Westerly, R. I ., bridge authorized across Pawcatuck River between, and Ston,. ington, Conn________________ --__ _ 54 Western High School, D. C ., appropria- tion for remodelin~, etc___________ 19,361 Western Indians. See Cherokee Indians. West Indian lsIutds. See Virgin Islands. West Point, N. Y . See alao Military Academy. Appropriation for construction at_ ____ 720 West Potomac Park Heating Plant, D. C., further construction obligations not to be incurred_____________________ 408 WNt Vir.....: Pace. Appropriation for national fo~ ad, . miniatratlon_________________ 8?6,1«8 Intrutate britlgee, groupiq of, author- ~________ __________ _________ 623 Time extended for bri~ Ohio RiYer at Wellsburg____________________ 699 Wheat: Appropriation for delivery of, to Red Cro88 by Federal Farm Board____ 741 Delivery directed____________________ 605 Distribution of Government-owned. for relief of distressed_______________ 61 Wheeler Field. H .wall, construction, etc., SWD8 authorized___________________ 722 Wheelock Academy. Okla.. appropriation for education of Indiana__________ 106,835 White Houe Pollee. appropriation for 881- aries,unifo~.etc _____________ 590,1498 White-Pine Blister Rust, appropriation for control, etc____________________ 640, 1463 White RiYer IUDetion. Vt.. post office, etc., site sale, and acquisition of new site_ 1614 Wichita Indlaas, Okla.: Determination of attorneys' fees in suits before Court of Claims______ 87 Payment; deposit into Treuury_____ 88 Sale of cemetery reserves on reservation authorized______________________ 74 Wichita N .tional Forest, appropriation for maintenance of herd of long-horned cattle_________________________ 626,1448 Wldow'slsIad. Me•• transfer authorised.. 751 Willamette River. project for improving, between Oregon City and Portland, Oreg., modified___________________ 49 WUliam Beaumont General HoepItal. Texu. appropriation for construc- tion at___________________________ 718 WUliam lennings Bryan Memorial. D . C., location oL________ ____ __________ _ 335 WUliam Robert Smith Memorial Asaod. - tlon. tablet by, at Elephant Butte Darn, N. Mex.,authorized__________ 53 wUsey. G . H •• may bridge Des Moines River at Saint Francisville, Mo______ 802 WUson Teaehers CoDe,e. D. C. . appro- priation available for rehabilitation_ _ 361 Wind Cave National Park. S. Du.• appro- priation for administration, etc__ __ 124, 851 Wind River Indian Resenatioa. Wyo.: Appropriation for irrigation of addition- al~ds ____________ __________ 103,832 Road construction- Balance continued available________ 113 Payments for rights of way __ .. ____ _ 88