Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/328

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304 Hearings. Necessary maps to be prepared by surveyor. 72d CONG RESS . SESS. I. CHS . 248-250 . JUNE 14,1932 . erty owner affected adversely by such order shall request a public hearing by the said commissioners, within thirty days prior to the effective date of the order, the said commissioners shall grant such hearing . SEC. 4. That any and all necessary maps showing the action taken by the Commis sioner s of t he Dis trict of Colu mbia u nder t he pro vi- sions of this Act shall be prepared by the surveyor of the District of Columbia, approved - by the Commissioners of the District of Colum- bia, and ordered by said commissioners to be recorded in the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia . Approved, June 14, 1932 . [CHAPTER 249 .1 AN ACT Tune 14 .1932 .

To provide for the closing of certain streets and alleys in the District of Co- .41o5.1 lumbia, and f or other pur poses . (Public, No. 174.1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the District of Columbia . United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commis- Designated streets sioners of the District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, author- and alleys in, closed . ized to close R Street for its full widh from te east bodary of parcel 22 4/27 to t he west b uilding l ine of Si xteenth S treet ; to close Fifteenth Street for its full width from the north line of R Street to the southeasterly building line of Fairlawn Avenue ; to close part of Q Street abutting lot 23 in square 5598 ; to close all public alleys in square 5598, and to close the public alley sixteen feet wide in square 5604 extending south from R Street to the south line of lots 101 and 802 in said square 5604, all, in th e southea st sectio n of Reversion to District, the District of Columbia, the ground within the lines of the parts for school purposes .

of stree ts and al leys so c losed to revert t o the Dis trict of Columbia Proviso.

for use for school purposes : Provided, That the owners of all prop- ow Abuttingo property erty abutting on the parts of streets and alleys so closed shall consent re- quired .

to such closing . Permanent highways SEC . 2 . That Q Street, located within the boundaries of parcel ay c"ttsin parcels re• 224/7 and extending from the west line of Sixteenth Street to the moved from plan. southeasterly line of Fairlawn Avenue, and R Street, located within the b oundar ies of parce l 224/ 27, ex tending from the ea st bui lding line o f Fourtee nth Stree t to the east boun dary of s aid parce l 224/27, are h ereby remove d from the p lan of the pe rmanen t syst em of high- ways for the District of Columbia . Approved, June 14, 1932 . [CHAPTER 250 .] AN ACT June 14,1932.

To provide for readjustment of street lines and the transfer of land for school, is .4396 .1 park, and highway purposes, in the northeast section of the District of Co- (Public, No . 175.1

lum bia, and for other purpo ses . DistrictofColumbia . Be it e nacted by th e Sena te and House of Rep resent atives of the Readjustment of United States of America in Congress assembled, That in order to Li...hways system for -- sehool, eta,ystem s. provide for a readjustment of street lines and for the transfer of lands for school, park, and highway purposes in the territory lying south of Riggs Road between First Street and Rock Creek Church Road north east, the Co mmissi oners of the Distri ct of Columb ia be, Areas closed . and they ate hereby authorized to close the part of Ingraham Street and ~art of Riggs Road lying within the parcels designated B, C, and E, as shown on map numbered 1672 on file in the office of the