Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/339

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 258 . JUNE 14, 1932 . credit of any county city, borough, village, township, or other municipality of said Commonwealth or of said State, ' or to create any debt of said _Commonwealth_ or of sa id State or of such municipality. " ARTICLE VIII " The commission is hereby authorized to make and enforce such Rules, etc., for col- rules and regulations, and to establish, levy and collect (or to lection of tolls, etc e authorize by contract, franchise, lease or otherwise, the establishment, levying, and collection of) such tolls, rents, rates, and other charges in connection with the aforesaid existing bridge across the Delaware River, and an y othe r prop erties which it may herea fter c onstru ct, erect, acquire, own, operate or control, as it may deem necessary proper, desirable and reasonable which said tolls, rents, rates, and other charges shall be at least sufficient to meet the expenses thereof, including interest and sinking-fund charges ; and the commission is hereby authorized and empowered to pledge such tolls, rates, rents, and other revenues , or any part ther eof, eith er presen tly recei ved or to be received in the future, or both, as security of the repayment, with interest, of any moneys borrowed by it or advanced to it for any of its authorized purposes and as security for the satisfaction of any other obligation assumed by it in connection with such loans or adva nces . " ARTICLE IX " The Commonwealth of Penn sylvania and the Sta te of New Impairment of com- Jersey hereby covenant and agree with each other and with the mission's powers . holders of any bonds or other securities or obligations of the commis- sion for which there may or shall be pledged the tolls, rents rates, or other revenues, or any part thereof, of any property or facility owned, operated, or controlled by the commission . (including the said bridge across the Delaware River and the facilities for the transportation of passengers across the said bridge), that (so long as any of said bonds or other securities or obligations remain out- standing and unpaid, and unless and until adequate provision is made b y law for th e prot ection of th ose adv ancing money upon such obligations) the Commonwealth and the said State will not diminish or impair the power of the commission to own, operate, or control said properties and facilities, or to establish, levy and collect tolls, rents, r ates, and other ch arges in connecti on with s uch prope rties or faci litie s . " The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of New Add iti ona l construoo- Jersey hereby covenant and agree with each other and with the lio n. holders of any bonds or other securities or obligations of the commis- sion for which the tolls, rents, rates, or other revenues, or any part thereof, of the aforesaid existing bridge across the Delaware River shall have been pledged that the said Commonwealth and the said State will not authorize or permit the authorization of the construc- tion, operation, or maintenance of any additional vehicular bridge or tunne l or any additiona l bridge or tunne l having railroad or other facilities for the transportation of passengers between the said Com- monwealth and the said State over or under the Delaware River by any other person or body than the commission, within a distance of ten miles in either direction from the said bridge measured along the boundary line between the said Commonwealth and the said State . 315