Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/373

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH . 308. JU NE 29, 1932 .

349 of the District of Columbia by the purchase of street car and bus fares from appropriations contained in this Act : Provided, That th e expend itures h erein authorized shall be so apportioned as not to exceed a total of $9,500 : Provided further, That the prov isions Fire and police de- of this paragraph shall not include the appropriations her ein made partments excepted . for the fire and police departments . For judicial expenses, including witn ess f ees, and expe rt s ervic es in District cases before the Supreme Court of said District, $1,800 : Provided That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are Proviso . Contracts for report- authoriz ed, when in thei r judgment such action be deemed in the ln g permitted . public int erest, to c ontract for steno grap hic r epor ting serv ices with- out regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U. S. C., title waive:~U . S . C ., P. 41, sec. 5) under available appropriations contained in this Act .

1309. For general advertising, authorized and required by law, and for General advertising . tax and school notices and notices of changes in regulations, $5,000 : Provlae. Provided, That this appropriation shall not be available for the pay- advertising . de newspaper ment of advertising in newspapers published outside of the District of Columbia, notwithstanding the requirement for such advertising provided by existing law . For advertising notice of taxes in arrears July 1, 1931, as required to be given by the Act of February 28, 1898, as amended, to be reimbursed by a charge of 50 cents for each lot or piece of property advertised, $8,000 . EMPLOYMENT SERVICE REFUND OF ERR ONEOUS COLLE CTIONS Provisos . Limitation . Judicial expenses . Taxes in arrears . Vol.30,p. 250. Fo r person al servi ces and mi scellane ous and continge nt expens es exEmpl ymentservice, requirfor maintaining a public employment service for the District of Columbia, $11,800. H ISTO RICAL PLA CES For purchase and erection of suitable tablets to mark historical places in the District of Columbia, $500. EMERGENCY FUND To be expended only in case of emergency, such as riot, pestilence, public insanitary conditions, calamity by flood or fire or storm, and of like character, and in all other cases of emergency not otherwise sufficiently provided for, in the discretion of the commissioners. $4,000 Pr ov ide d, That the certificate of the commissioners sh all b e s uf fi cie nt vouche r for th e expend iture no t to exce ed $ 1,000 for such investiga- tions as they may deem necessa ry . Historical tablets . Emergencyfund . Expenses under, re- stricted. Proviso. Voucherforexpenses . Refund of erroneous collections. Payments author- To en able the comm issio ners , in any case where special assessments, i'e d l school tuition charges, payments for lost library books, rents, fees, Vol.36,p .967. or collections of any character ha ve been erroneously covered into the Treasury, to refund such erroneous payments, wholly or in part, including the refunding of fees paid for building permits authorized by the District of Columbia Appropriation Act approved March Proviso. 2, 1911 (36 Stat ., p . 967), $4,000 : Provided, That this appropriation Refu nds of prior shall be available for such refunds of payments made within the years. past three years . To aid

^ support of the National

Co nfer ence of Comm issi oner s c„~„IIe„„e „„ on Uniform State Laws, $250 .

term State Laws . Building permits . Un it