Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/380

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 308. JUNE 29, 1932 . Pumping stations. pumping service, including repairs to boilers, machinery, and pump- ing stations, and employment of mechanics and laborers, purchase of coal, oil, waste, and other supplies, and for the maintenance of nonpassenger-carrying motor vehicles used in this work, $248,000 . Main and pipe.

For main and pipe sewers and receiving basins, $210,000 . Suburban.

For suburban sewers, including the maintenance of nonpassenger- carrying motor vehicles used in this work and the' replacement at „ss essm ent and per • not to exceed $1,800 of three motor trucks, 610 > 000. mit work .

For assessment and permit work, sewers, $225,000 ; and the unex- Balance available . Vol. 46, p .1389.

pended balance of the appropriation for this purpose for the fiscal Rights of way, etc. year 1932 shall remain available until June 30, 1933 . For purchase or condemnation of rights of way for construction, Upper Potomac in- maintenance, and repair of - public sewers, $1,000 . terceptor.

For co ntin uing the con stru ctio n of the upp er P otom ac m ain interceptor, $50,000 . Mosquito control. For the control and prevention of the spread of mosquitoes in the Dist rict of Colu mbia , in clud ing pers onal ser vice s, o pera tion , maintenance, and repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, purchase of oil, and other necessary expenses, $30,000

Proviso . Su ms tra nsfe rred to Provided That of the amount herein appropriated there may be other agencies . transferred for direct expenditure and in the interest of coordinat- ing the work of mosquito control in the District of Columbia, not to exceed $5,600 to the Public Health Service of the Treasury Depart- ment, the amount so transferred to be available for the objects herein specified . City refuse .


For personal services, $148,520. Swee ping , cl eani ng, For dust prevention, sweeping, and cleaning streets, avenues, snow and ice rem oval , etc .

alleys, and suburban streets, under the immediate direction of the commissione rs, and for cleaning snow and ice from streets side- walks, crosswalks, and gutters in the discretion of the commissioners, including services and purchase and maintenance of equipment, rent vehicles, etc. of storage rooms ; maintenance and repair of stables ; hire and main- tenance of horses ; hire , pu rcha se, main tena nce, and rep air of w agon s, harness, and other equipment ; maintenance and repair of nonpassen- ger-carrying motor-propelled vehicles necessary in cleaning streets and purchas e of motor-propelled street-cleaning equipment ; and Garbage, dead ani- necessary incidental expenses, $550,000 . mals, ashes, etc . To enable the commissioners to carry out the provisions of existing law governing the collection and disposal of garbage, dead animals, night soil, and miscellaneous refuse and ashes in the District of Columbia, including inspection ; fencing of public and private prop- erty designated by the commissioners as public dumps

and incidental

expenses, $1,000,000, including not to exceed $25,000 for repair and Garb, -reaucti„„ plant .

improvement of the garbage-reduction plant, of which not to exceed $10,000 shall provide for the construction, by day labor or otherwise, in the discretion of the commissioners, of a two-story brick bunk house, and there is further made available for the purposes of this Pr ovi sos .

paragraph not to exceed $72,500 of the unexpended balance of the Proceedv covered similar appropriation for the fiscal year 1932 : P rovi ded, That any ta ll vsion'of. proceeds received from the disposal of city refuse or garbage shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the United States and the District of Columbia in the manner provided as ollections restrby law

Provided further, That this appropriation shall not be available for collecting ashes or miscellaneous refuse from hotels and places of business or from apartment houses of four or more apartments in which the landlord furnishes heat to tenants .