Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/386

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I . CH. 308 . JUNE 29,1932 . W Proviso . School pr proof aeb by Marc Mar15,


Prov That this limitanshal shanot visio . be consi dered as p reve nting the empl oymen t of a mat ron and t he care of children under school age at the Webster School whose parent or parents are in attendance in connection with Americani- zation work . Buildings and

BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS grounds. aaaiiioin For the construction of an eight-room addition to the Bancroft School, including the necessary remodeling of the present building, $105, 000 . seen .

For the erection of an eight-room extensible building at the site of the Keene School, $115,000 . Taft Junior aigb .

For the completion of the construction of the Taft Junior High Schoo l, $250,0 00 . Boy's trade school.

For the erection 'of a trade school for boys on a site alread th and EenninngRoe NE . purc hase d at Twent y-fo urth Stree t and Ben ning Road, nor theas t, 315,000 . hi ghnacostis, junior For the e rection o f a junio r high-sc hool buil ding on a site alr eady purchased for that purpose at Nineteenth Street and Minnesota Contracts . Avenue south east i n Anac ostia, $225, 000, an d the commis sioner s are authorized to enter into contract or contracts for such building at a cost not to exceed $450,000 . Crummel' .

For the construction of a two-room addition to the Crummell Addition.

School, including a new heating -plant and the necessary remodeling of the p resent bu ilding, $ 36,000 . $ oosevelt Business For the completion of construction, and for improvement of groun.ds,_of the Roosevelt (Business) High School, $117,500 . Senior igh. tTie preiparation of plans and specifications for a new senior R. s. sec. 3709, p, high school on a site to be acquired in the Reno section, including the l'3 3; v. 9. C.,p.iaoo. employment of personal services, by contract or otherwise, and with- Vol. 46, p . 1003; II. out reference to- section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C, title s.C., p. 65; Supp. V, p. o.

41, sec. 5), or the Classification Act of 1923, as amended $50,000 . Kenilworth .

For the erec tion of a four cla ssroom bu ilding to replace the Senil - To be replaced .

worth School, on a site to* be acquired for that purpose, $70,000 . F„ aU Village . For the c onstru ction of a s chool buildi ng on a site acquir ed for that- purpose in the vicinity of Foxhall Village to provide four classrooms and unfinished space for four additional classrooms, $100,000 . ay omn u a, For the construction on -land now owned by the District of sembly hall .

Columbia of a building to provide a combination • ' i. nasium and M 1gy Street' Junior assembl hall for the Dou~lass-Simmons School an . a gymnasi um $()mnevium .

for the

Street Junior High School, $90,000 : Provided, That the Proviso. balan ce for ilh ended balance of the ap ropriation of $130,000 for an addition h- o j 48lp 1395. to . t e Douglass-Simmons chool contained in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1932 shall be avail- able for the improvement of the central heating plant for the M Street Junior Higli and Douglass-Simmons Schools . a Total Immediately In all, $1,473,500, to be immediate) y . available and to be disbursed Accounted as one and accounted for as i0 Buildings and grounds, public schools," and for that purpose shall constitute one fund and remain available v e for unauthorized until expended : Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall projects forbidden .

be used for or on ac count of any schoo l buildi ng not he rein spec ified . n contract re . None of the money appropriated by this Act shall be paid or obli- gated, toward the construction of or . addition to any building the whole and entire construction of which, exclusive of heating, lighting, plumbinig t painting, and treatment of grounds, shall not have been awarded in one or a single contract, separate and apart from any oth er con tract, proje ct, or under taking , to th e lowe st res ponsib le