Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/395

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 308. JUNE 29, 1932 . time, to be used only for expenses in returning escaped prisoners, pa yable from t he mai ntenan ce app ropria tions f or the workh ouse a nd reformatory, all such expenditures to be accounted for to the account- in g officer s of the District of Columb ia withi n one mon th on ite mized vouchers properly approved . NAT IONAL TRAINI NG SCHOOL FOR BOYS For care and maintenance of boys committed to the National Training School for Boys by the courts of the District of Columbia under a contract to be made by the Board of Public Welfare with the authorities of said National Training School for Boys, $20,000 . NAT IONA L TR AINI NG SCHOOL FOR GI RLS Salaries : For personal services, $35,380 : Provided, That the Board of Public Welfare is authorized and directed to transfer girls con- fined in the branch of the National Training School for Girls at Muirkirk, Maryland and confine them in a building now owned by the District on Conduit Road in the District of Columbia . For groceries, provisions, light, fuel, soap, oil, lamps, candles, cl othing, s hoes, for age, hors eshoeing, medicin es, medic al attend ance, transportation,' labor sewing machines, fixtures, books, magazines, and other supplies which represent greater educational advantages, stationery, horses, vehicles, harness, cows, pigs, fowls, sheds, fences, repairs , type writin g, ste nograp hy, an d other neces sary i tems, and including compensation not exceeding $1,500 for additional labor or serv ices, for id entify ing an d purs uing es caped inmate s and for rewards for t heir c apture , for transp ortatio n and other necess ary expenses incident to securing suitable homes for paroled or disch arged girl s, a nd fo r mai nten ance of no npass enge r-car rying motor veh icles, $3 4,180 . MEDICAL CHARITIES For care and treatment of indigent patients under contracts to be made by the Board of Public Welfare with the following institutions and for n ot to exc eed the f ollowing amounts, respectiv ely : Children's Hospital, $30,000 . Central Dispensary and Emergency Hospital, $40,000 . Eastern Dispensary and Casualty Hospital, $15,000. Washington Home for Incurables, $10,000 . COLU MBIA HOS PITA L AND LY ING- IN ASYLUM For general repairs and for additional construction, including labor and mater ial, and for e xpen ses o f hea t, li ght, and power required in and about the operation of the hospital, to be expended in the discre tion a nd und er the direc tion of the A rchite ct of the Capitol, $15,000 . TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL Salaries : For personal services, $86,520 . For provisio ns, fuel, forage, harness, and vehic les, and repairs t o same, gas, ice, shoes, clothing, dry goods, tailoring, drugs and medical supplies, furniture and bedding, kitchen utensils, books and eriodicals not to exceed $200, temporary services not to exceed $1,0 00, m ainte nance of motor truc k, a nd ot her n eces sary items , $59, 000 . 371 National Training School for Bo ys . Care, etc ., of boys committed thereto . National Training School for Girls . Personal services . Proviso. Transfer of girls from Muirkirk Md° to Con . duit Road, D. C. Contingent expenses . Apprehending ab. sconders. Medical charities . Care, etc ., of indigent patients at designated hospitals. Columbia Hospital . Repairs, etc . Tuberculosis Hospi . tai . Personal services . Contingent expenses.