Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/462

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 318. JUNE 30, 1932 . Emp l•y eas °

For pay of employees, $577,387 : Provided, That the sum to be Limit •' on sum for paid out of this appropriation for employees assigned to Group Group IV (b) em- IV (b) and th ose pe rformi ng sim ilar s ervices carri ed und er nat ive and alien schedules in the Schedule of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Department shall not exceed $236,000 . Current, etc., ex- Current and miscellaneous expenses, Naval Academ

For text penses . " and reference book's for use of instructors ; stationery, blank books and for ms, mo dels, maps, and pe riodic als ; appar atus a nd mat erials for instruction in physical training and athletics ; expenses of lec- tures a nd ent ertain ments, not e xceedi ng $1,0 00, in cludin g pay and expenses of lecturer ; chemicals, philosophical apparatus and instru- ments, stores, machinery, tools, fittings, apparatus, materials for instruction purposes, and engraving of trophies and badges, Library .

$68,800 ; for purchase, binding, and repair of books for the library (to be purchased in the open market on the written order of the Board of visi tors . superintendent), $5,000 ; for expenses of the Board of Visitors to the superintendent . Naval Acad emy, $1,4 00 ; for continge ncies for the supe rintenden t of the academy, to be expended in his discretion, not exceeding $3,500 ; for contingencies for the commandant of midshipmen, to be expended in his discretion, not exceeding $1,000 ; in all, $79,700, to be accounted for as one fund . General mainte- Maintenance and repairs, Naval Academy : For necessary repairs dance, repairs, etc . of public buildings, wharves, and walls inclosing the grounds of the Naval Academy, accident prevention, improvements, repairs, and fixtures ; for books, periodicals, maps, models, and drawings ; pur- chase and repair of fire engines ; fire apparatus and plants, machin- ery ; purchase and maintenance of all horses and horse-drawn vehicles, etc ° vehicles for use at the academy, including the maintenance, opera- tion, a nd rep air of three horse -drawn passen ger-ca rrying vehic les to be used only for official purposes ; seeds and plants ; tools and repairs of the same ; stationery ; furniture for Government buildings and offices at the academy, including furniture for midshipmen's rooms ; coal and other fuels ; candles, oil, and gas ; attendance on light and power plants ; cleaning and clearing up station and care of b u il d in g s ; attendanc e on fires, ligh ts, fire engines , fire apparatus , and plants, and telephone, telegraph, and clock systems ; incidental labor ; advertising, water tax, postage, telephones, telegrams, tolls, and ferriage ; flags and awnings ; packing boxes ; fuel for heating and lighting bandsmen's quarters ; pay of inspectors and draftsmen ; music and astronomical instruments ; and for pay of employees on Pr ovi so .

leave $940,000 : Provided, That the sum to be paid out of this appro- Lim up Iv on sum em- for priation for employees assigned to Group IV (b) and those perform- O ployees . ing similar services carried under native and alien schedules in the Schedul e of W ages f or Civ il Emp loyees in the Field Servi ce of the Navy Department shall not exceed $23,000 . Marine corps .

MARINE CORPS PAY, MARINE CORPS Pay, etc ., officers on Pay of officers, active list : For pay a nd al lowan ces presc ribed active iist. by law for all officers on the active list-pay and allowances, $3, 602 ,27 7, together with $129,101 of the unexpended balance of "Pay, Marine Corps, 1932," includ ing no t to e xceed $138,148 for increased pay for making aerial flights ; subsistence allowance, $493,116 ; rental allowance, $648,063 ; in all, $4,743,456 ; and no part of such sum shall be available to pay active duty pay and allowances to officers on the retired list ;