Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/479

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CFI. 330. JUNE 30,1932 .

455 while s o empl oyed, and pr inting of aw ards, t ogethe r with proce ed- ]Repo rting. 3ioe, p . ings an d test imony relati ng the reto, as auth orized by th e Rail way 7 m . sc

1 3os Labor A ct, in cludin g also contr act st enograp hic re portin g serv ice without reference to section 3709, Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 41, sec . 5), and rent of quarters when suitable quarters can not be supplied in any Federal building, the unexpended balances of the pr$ate ces reappro . appropriations for this purpose for the fiscal years 1930 and 1931 Vol.45,p. 1232; Vol. are reappropriated and made available for the fiscal year 1933 .

46, p° 231° Emergency boards : For expenses of emergency boards appointed Emergency b oards . by the President to investigate and report respecting disputes Vol.44,p. 586. between carriers and their employees, as authorized by section 10, v.s.C., supp. v, Railway Labor Act, approved May 20, 1926 (U. S. C., Supp. V, as p°844° title 45, sec . 154 ), the unexp ended balanc e of t he app ropria tion fo r this purpose for the fiscal year 19 31 is reappropriated and made available for th e fiscal year 1 93 3 . For all printing and binding for the Board of Mediation, $1,000 . in . Printing rinti ng and bind- Tot al, Bo ard of Media tion, 152,135 . BOARD OF TAX APPEALS

Board of Tax Ap- peals° . For every expen diture requi site f or and incide nt to the wo rk of o1L 49 pms336, Vol . the Board of Tax Appeals as authorized under Title IX, section 9 00, 44, p.IN,,Vol . 45,p.8i1 . of the Revenue Act of 1924, approved June 2, 1924 as amended by Ante, p . ZBS . Title X of the Reve nue A ct of 192 6, approved February 26, 1926, and Title IV of the Revenue Act of 1928, approved May 29, 1928, includin g persona l service s and con tract st enographi c reporti ng serv- ices to be obtained by renewal of existing contract, or otherwise, rent outside the District of Columbia, traveling expenses, car fare station ery, f urnitu re, of fice e quipme nt, pur chase and ex change of typewriters, law books and books of reference, periodicals, and all other ne cessary s upplies, $530,000, of which amount not to exceed $481,0 00 may be ex pended for p ersona l servi ces in the D istric t of Columbia . For ill printing and binding for the Board of Tax Appeals, ],, rinting and bind . $30, 000 . Total, Board of Tax Appeals, $560,000 . BUREAU OF EFFICIENCY Efficiency Bureau. Fo r chief o f bureau and other personal service s in the District of 5nnet r, and office per . Columbia ; contract stenographic reporting services ; contingent expenses, including traveling expenses ; supplies, stationery ; pur- chase and exchange of equipment ; not to exceed $100 for law books, books of reference, newspapers, and periodicals ; and not to exceed $150 for street-car fare ; in all, $159,000, of which amount not to services in the Dis° ex c ee d $1 54 ,0 00 ma y be expe nded for personal services in the D istrict tridt . of Columbia . Printing and bind . For all printing and binding for the Bureau of Efficiency, $500. ing. Total, Bureau of Efficiency, $159,500 . CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION

civil service co rn- mission. Commissioners, and Salaries : For three commissioners and other personal services in office personneii the District of Columbia, $716,000 . Field force : For salaries of the field force, $450,000 .

Field for No details from any executive department or independent estab- m enn Details ts, st d, in lishment in the District of Columbia or elsewhere to the commis- District forbidden . sion's central office in Washingt on or to any of it s distric t offices shall be made during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933 ; but this