Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/537

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 361. JULY 1, 1932 .

513 provisions of the Act of August 5, 1914 (U . S . C ., title 10, sees . 781- us38, P. 6Slo . 785), to regulate the sponge fisheries, $3,000 . Alaska general service : For protecting the seal fisheries of Alaska n

Seal fisheries protec- Alaska, including the furnishing of food, fuel, clothing, and other tion, food to natives, necessities of life to the natives of the Pribilof Islands, of Alaska ; etc ' not exceeding $54,000 for construction, improvement, repair, and alteratio n of buil dings and roads, t ransporta tion of s upplies t o anti from the islands, expenses of travel of agents and 'other employees and subsistence while on said islands, hire and maintenance of vessels, purchase of sea otters, and for all expenses necessary to carry out the provision s of the Act entit led " An Act to protect the seal fisheries of Alaska, anil for other purposes," approved April 21, 1910 Vol. 36,pp3 431 . (U . S . C ., title 16, sees . 631-658), and for the protection of the fish- eries of Alaska, including pay of permanent employees not to exceed $87,940, contract stenograp hic repor ting serv ice, trav el, subsi stence (or per diem in lieu of subsistence) of employees while on duty in Alaska, hire of boats, employment of temporary labor, anti all other necessary expenses connected therewith, $390,000, of which $100,000 shall be immediately available . Mississippi Wild Life and Fish Refuge : For construction of build- a t•Fishtlierw l d Lif e rugs ; boats, and ponds, for purchase of equipment, including boats, (',instruction, equip meat, etc , expenses. for maintenance, operation, repair, and improvements, including expenditures for personal services at the seat of government and else- where as may be necessary, as authorized in the Act approved June 7, u•S..C.', ;)..437. 1924 (U . S . C ., title 16, sees . 721-731), $7,000 . Construction of stations : The appropriations made under this head Fish cultural, etc., in the Se cond Defi ciency Ac t, fiscal year 193 0, and in the Act making stations . appropr iation s for the De partme nt of Commerc e for the fi scal y ear ending June 30, 1932, are hereby continued and made available until June 30, 1933, and the appropriation contained in the last-mentioned Act for the purchase of the Mill Creek station in the State of Cali- fornia shall be available for repairs and improvements to said station . Enforcement of black bass law : To enable the Secretary of Black bass enforcing . Commerce to carry into effect the Act entitled "An Act to amend Vol . 44, p. 576; Vol, the Act entit led `A n Act to reg ulate interst ate tr anspor ation 1 of 46u s95c ., supp. v. black bass, and for other purposes,' approved May 20, 1926 " (U. S. P 207. C ., Supp . V, title 16, sees . 851-856), approved July 2, 1930 (46 Stat ., pp . 845-847 ), $15,00 0, of whi ch not to exceed $ 2,600 may be expen ded for personal services in the District of Columbia .

I Not to exceed $1,000 of the appropriations herein made for the . Attendance at meet, Bureau of Fisheries shall be available for expenses of attendance at toss. meetings concerned with the work of said bureau when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Commerce, and not to exceed $1,500 shall be available for the rental of suitable quarters in the District of Columbia for laboratory and storage purposes . 'So in o riginal . 30 51'-33- 33 PA TENT OFF ICE Patent Office. The following sums are appropriated for the Patent Office for the Su ms llm ft he available revenues tre ofe fiscal year ending June 30, 1933, out of the revenues of such office in conformity with section 5 of the Act approved April 11, 1930 (46 U 846, Pp1695., Stat ., p . 155), to the extent that such revenues are sufficient therefor and any remainder out of the general fund of the Treasury, namely For the Commissioner of Patents and other personal services in Commi ssio ner and office personne l . the District of Columbia, $3,465,000 : Provided, That of the amount 'Proviso . herein approp riated not t o exce ed $25 ,000 ma y be u sed fo r spec ial etc .empora ry typists, and tempo rary serv ices of t ypists ce rtified b y the Civ il Servic e Com-