Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/617

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72d CONGRESS. SESS. I. CH. 430. JULY 5,1932 .

593 OFFICE OF SUPERVISING ARCHITECT Supervising Archi. tect's office. PUBLIC BUILDINGS, CONSTRUCTION AND RENT Public buildings . For the acquisition of sites or of additional land, commencement, roi coninctioo f t ees continuation, or completion, of construction in connection with any of projects aut horized . or all projects authorized under the provisions of sections 3 and 5 v 1o4s,p.137 ; Vol. 46, of, the Public Buildings Act, approved May 25, 1926 (U.S.C., p• uis, c., Supp . V, Supp . V, title 40, sees. 343-345), and the Acts amendatory thereof pp . 603-boa. approved February 24, 1928 (U. S. C., Supp . V, title 40, sec . 345) and March 31, 1930 '(U. S . C ., Supp. IV, title 40, sees . 341-349), within the respective limits of cost fixed for such projects, $108,000 .- 900, of which not to exceed $15,000,000 may be expended for build- orca°~bi801 ntstric' ings in the District of Columbia : Provided, That no part of this or Rmae>ing . etc De. any other appropriation for the construction of public buildings Bwlmegfor Of ta ts shall be u sed fo r rem odeli ng an d reco nstru cting the D epart ment of Ante, p.26. State Building under the authorization therefor contained in the Act i~ea .4 6' p• 907, re approved Ju ly 3, 19 30 46 Stat . 907) : Provided further, That the Seguin, Tea., site. building au,thorized for eguin, Texas, by the Act of March 4, 1931 Vol . 46, p. 1602. 46 Stat. i p . 1602), shall be constructed on the site owned by the government on that date : Provided further, That no part of this 1ng oust Guard build . appropriation shall be used for work on the building for the Coast work discontinued. Guard or some other Government activity (Apex Building), author- Vol.46,p.16115. ized by Act of March 4, 1931 (46 Stat ., p. 1605) . Rent of temporary quarters : For re nt of temporary quarters and etc Temporary quarters, alterations of same for the accommodation of Government officials and movi ng e xpen ses incident thereto, and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to enter into leases for this purpose for periods not exceeding three years, $900,000 . P UBLI C BUI LDIN GS, R EPAIR S, E QUIPM ENT, AND GENER AL E XPENS ES et Repairs, equipment, Repairs and preservation : For repairs and preservation of all Treasury

under completed and occupied public buildings and the grounds thereof under the contro l of the T reasu ry Dep artme nt, a nd for wire part i- tions and fly screens therefor ; Government wharves and piers under the control of the Treasury Department, together with the necessary dredging adjacent thereto ; care of vacant sites under the control of the Treasury Department, such as necessary fences, filling dangerous holes, cutting grass and weeds, but not for any permanent improve- ments thereon ; repairs and preservation of buildings not reserved by vendors on sites under the control of the Treasury Department acqu ired for pu blic build ings or the enla rgeme nt of publi c bui ld- ings, the expenditures on this account for the current fiscal year not to exceed 15 per centum of the annual rental of such buildings : Pro- a i mbo spita ts, vid ed, That of the sum herein appropriated not exceeding $200,000 quarantine stations, may be used for the repair and preservation of marine hospitals, the national leprosarium, and quarantine stations (including Marcus Hook) and completed and occupied outbuildings (including wire partitions and fly screens for same), and not exceeding $24,000 for the Treasury buildings . Treasury, Treasury Annex, Liberty Loan, and Auditors' Buildings in the District of Columbia : Provided further, That this sum shall not s Personal services ro- be available for the payment of personal services except for work done by con trac t or for tem pora ry job labo r un der exig ency not exceeding at one time the sum of $100 at any one building, $475,000 . Mechanical equipment : For installation and repair of mechanical Mechanical equip . equipment in all completed and occupied public buildings under the meat ' control of the Treasury Department, including heating, hoisting, et aeating, lighting, plumbing, gas piping, ventilating, vacuum cleaning, and refrigerat- ing apparatus, electric-light plants, meters, interior pneumatic t the 3051 °-33-38