Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/638

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 443 . JULY 7, 1932 . sions, coordinate the work of the Department of Agriculture with that of the State agricultural colleges and experiment stations in the lines a uthori zed in said Acts a nd mak e repor t ther eon to Congr ess . ~M~ ( ~arten Maintenance of e xi- To enable the Secretary ot~ Agriculture to establish and maintain 'te rri tori es and ins ula r agricultural experiment stations in Hawaii and Porto Rico, includ- possessions . in ~ the erection of buildings, the preparation, illustration, and dis- All otm eni s. tribution of reports and bulletins, and all other necessary expenses $133,560, as follows : $40,000 for Hawaii, $63 560 for Porto Rico, an $30,000, to be immediately available, for salaries, wages, and other expenses connected with the care of property, including all appur- tenances thereto, and all equipment and livestock of the experiment oviso.

stations in Alaska, Guam, and the Virgin Islands until they are I stab authorized . of property transferred or sold : Provided, That the Secretary of Agriculture is authori zed to trans fer to any G overnm ent dep artmen t or e stabli sh- ment or to lo cal au thorit ies or insti tutions such proper ty and /or I a ndp expenses o equipment or to sell the same at public or private sale and to pay continental u . S., from from this appropriation the salaries of the present employees of s Vol. 38, p.441 ; Vol . 41, said stations appointed from the continental United States includ- . p• 262.

ing salaries during such leave as may be granted under the Acts U.S.C.,p,ss.

approved June 30, 1914, and July 24, 1919 (U . S . C ., title 5, sets . 535 and 536), together with traveling expenses of themselves and ice s Transpo rting fame' familie s, inc luding the t ranspo rtatio n of su ch qua ntity and ch ar- acter of their per sonal eff ects as m ay be aut horized b y the Sec retary sale of products ; use of Agriculture, in returning to the usual port of debarkation in of receipts . the Uni ted St ates, and th e Secr etary of Agri cultur e is a uthori zed to sell such products as are obtained on the land belonging to the agric ultur al ex peri ment stati ons in Ha waii and P orto Rico , and the amount obtained from the sale thereof shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts . In all, salaries and expenses $294,294 . Total, Office of Experiment Atations, $4,668,294, of which amount not to exceed $153,000 may be expended for personal services in the Distric t of C olumbi a . EXTENSION SER VI CE Extension Service . PAYMENTS TO S TATES, HAWAI I, AND ALASKA . FOR AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION WO RK coope rative eaten . lion work allotments For cooperative agricultural extension work, to be allotted, paid , and expended in the same manner, upon the same terms and condi- Vo1.3s,p .372;Vo1.45, tions, and un der th e same super vision as the addit ional approp ria- p.571 -

tions made by the Act of May 8, 1914 (U . S. C ., title 7, sees . 341-348), Vp.49. .,p.114 ; Supp- entitle d "An Act to provi de for coope rative agricu ltural exten sion work between the agricultural colleges in the several States receiving the benefits of an Act of Conress approved July 2, 1862 (U . S . C., title 7, sees . 301-308), and of - Acts supplementary thereto, and the United States Department of Agriculture," $1,580,000 ; and all sums agreed uponmutusiiy appropriated by this Act for use for demonstration or extension work within any State shall be used and expended in accordance with plans mutually agreed upon by the Secretary of Agriculture and the proper officials of the c ollege in such Sta te which receives the benef its of Proviso.

said Act of May 8, 1914 : Provided, That of the above appropriation County agents.

not mor e than $300, 000 sh all be expen sled f or pur poses other than Further coo ration salaries of county agents . with state colleges in To enable the Secretary of Ag V

riculture to carry into effect the o i12 work . tv ot provisions of the Act entitled " An Act to provide for the further 3s .372;vi .45,p.711 . development of agricultural extension work between the agricultural V p49 "p 111 ; $upp. colleges in the several States receiving the benefits of the Act entitled