Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/661

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 443. JULY 7, 1932 .

637 F ore ign com pet iti on and demand : To enable the Secretary of Ex pand ing Depart . Agriculture to carry into effect the provisions of the Act entitled ent foreign geld Serv. "An Act to promote the agriculture of the United States by expand- ing in the foreign field the service now rendered by the United Vol.46,p.497. States Department of Agriculture in acquiring and diffusing useful inf orm ati on rega rdi ng agr icu ltu re, and for other p urp ose s," appr oved June 5, 19 30, and for coll ecti ng a nd d isse mina ting to Disseminating in. formation of world's American producers, importers, exporters, and other interested per- supply sons information relative to the world supply of and need for Ameri- products, etc. can , a gricu ltura l prod ucts, mark eting metho ds, c ondit ions, price s, and o ther factor s, a knowl edge of whi ch is nece ssary to th e adv an- tageous disposition of such products' in foreign countries inde- pendently and in coop eration with other branc hes of the Govern- ment, State agencies, purchasing and consuming organizations, and perso ns en gaged in th e tra nspor tation , mar ketin g, and dist ribut ion of farm and food prod ucts, including the purc hase of such books and periodicals and not to exceed $1,000 for newspapers as may be necessary in connection with this work, $356,790 Market inspection of farm products : For enabling the Secretary Market inspection of of Agriculture, independently and in cooperation with other branches farm products . of the Go ver nme nt, St ate ag enci es, pu rch asi ng and co nsum ing organizations, boards of trade, chambers of commerce, or other asso- ciations of business men or trade organizations, and persons or cor- porations engaged in the production, transportation, marketing, and distribution of farm and food products, whether operating in one or more jurisdictions, to investigate and certify to shippers and other Certifying conditions interested parties the class, quality, and/or condition of cotton, of shipment . tobacco, fruits and vegetables whether raw, dried, or canned, poultry, butter, hay, and other perishable farm products when offered for inter state shipm ent o r whe n rece ived at su ch imp ortan t cen tral markets as the Secretary of Agriculture may from time to time designate, or at points which may be conveniently reached therefrom, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, including payment of such fees as will be reasonable and as nearly as may be to cover the cost for the service rendered : Provided, That certificates Proviso. issued by the authorized agents of the department shall be received tiaegt' . etiect of ee r- in all courts of the United States as prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements therein contained, $537,796 .

Market news service . Market news service : For collecting, publishing, and distributing, Collectin g, etc ., in. by telegraph, mail, or otherwise, timely information on the market formation of livestock, su pply and dem and, com merc ial move ment , lo cati on, dis posi tion , p roducts icuiture, etc., quality, condition, and market prices of livestock, meats, fish, and animal products, dairy and poultry products, fruits and vegetables, pea nuts and th eir p roduc ts, g rain, hay, feeds , toba cco, and s eeds, and other agricultural products, independently and in cooperation with other branches of the Government, State agencies, purchasing and consuming organizations, and persons engaged in the production, transportation, marketing, and distribution of farm and food prod- ucts, $ $1,380,808 . Cotton statistics : To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry cotton statistics . into effect the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the Secretary of Vol . 44, p. 1372. Agr iculture to coll ect and publish statistic s of the grade a nd stapl e b4U .s . c., sup$ . v, p. length of cotton," approved March 3, 1927 (U. S . C ., Stipp . V, title 7, sees . 471-476), $372,500 . Tobacco stocks and standards : To enable the Secretary of Agri- sty cards st°``s'mi culture to carry into effect the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act V s45, psupp.V, p. to provide for the collection and publication of statistics of tobacco ss. by the Department of Agriculture," approved January 14, 1929 ('U. S . C., Supp . V, title 7, sees . 501-508), including the employment