Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/688

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664 Provisos . Approval of plans . No Fed eral e xpense . 72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS . 481, 482. JULY 14, 1932 . j Springf ield A rmory Land P lans B ook at a dist ance o f abou t thir ty- five feet easterly from corner 158 and the other point on the line oining corners 706 and 707 at a point about thirty-five feet northeasterly from corner 707 . Line " B-B " : Starting at a point on northwesterly line of Hickory Street sixty-five feet southerly from a stone bound on said line of Hickory Street which is located approximately forty-five feet south from the southerly side of Bonnyview Avenue, and running thence so uth twent y-four de grees fou r minutes fifty-f ive secon ds east t o and beyond the southerly shore line of Watershops Pond, crossing the boundary line of t he United States m ilitary r eservatio n at two points approximately as follows : One on line adjoining corners 176 and 175 at a distance of about twenty feet southwesterly from corner 176 and the other point on the line joining corners 683 and 684 at a point about o ne hun dred a nd twe nty-fi ve fee t, appr oximat ely, f rom co rner 683 : Provided, however, That prior to construction of said highway and hig hway b ridge across the a foresa id rese rvatio n, pla ns sho wing the location and design thereof shall be submitted to the command- ing officer of the Springfield Armory, and by that officer approved as providing adequate clear channel for stream flow and as otherwise free from interfer ence with the prop er intere sts of th e United States in and to the aforesaid reservation and the Watershops Pond located thereupon : Provided further, That the construction of said highway and bridge and the maintenance thereof shall be without cost to the United States . App roved, July 14, 19 32 . [CHAPTER 482 .] AN ACT July 14, 1932. [H . R . 11897.]

Making appropriations for the military and nonmilitary activities of the War [Public, No . 286 .1

Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the prpations r aicalyear United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the following 193 3. p. 1781 . sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- wise appr opriated, for the military and nonmi litary ac tivities of the War Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933, and for other p urpose s, nam ely Mi li ta ry act ivities- TITLE I .-MILI TARY ACTIV ITIES AND O THER EX- PENSES OF THE WAR DEPARTMENT INCIDENT THERETO Department salaries .

SALARIES, WAR DEPARTMENT Secretary, Assistant .

Secretary of War, $15,000; Assistant Secretary of War, $10,000 . Civilian personnel .

For compe nsatio n for other person al ser vices i n the Distri ct of Columbia, as follows Secretary's office . ProUiso.

Office of Secretary of War, $270,060 : Provided, That no fi eld- No field service, un- service a ppropriat ion shall be avail able for personal services in the less expressly author- ized .

War Department except as may be expressly authorized herein . Chief of Staff.

Office of Chief of Staff, $232,034 . Adjuta nt Gen eral .

Adjutant General's office, $1,461,402 . World war records . For assembling, classifying, and indexing the military personnel records of the Wor ld War, i ncluding personal services in the Di strict of Colu mbia a nd the purch ase of neces sary su pplies and m ateria ls, Inspector General. $250~000 . Office of the Inspector General, $28,345 .