Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/721

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 492. JULY 15 ,1932 . Columbia . The members of the board shall serve without compen- sation : Provided, That actual and necessary traveling expenses of the members of the board, incurred in the performance of duties under this Act, shall be allowed and paid as herein provided . SEc . 2 . The Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Parole shall subject to the approval of the Commissioners of the District oy Columbia, appoint parole officers, in such number as shall be approved by Congress from time to time, for the penal institutions of said District, one of whom shall also act as the clerk of said Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Parole . It shall be the duty of such o fficers, subject t o the dis cretion a nd contro l of said board to perform such' duties and exercise such authority as the said board may direct . Salaries and the actual and necessary traveling expenses of each such parole officer shall be paid out of the appro- priatio n for the ma intena nce of the p enal in stitut ion to which he is assi gned a nd rec eive c ompens ation in acco rdance with the ra tes established by the Personnel Classification Act of 1923 . (All other necessary expenses incurred in the a dm inistration of this Act shall be paid out o f the approp riatio ns for the pe nal in stitut ions f rom which prisoners are paroled, and such appropriations are hereby made av ailabl e ther efor . ) j SEC . 3 . That hereafter, in imposing sentence on a person con- victed in the District of Columbia of a felony, the justice or judge of the court imposi ng suc h sent ence s hall se ntence the p erson for a maximum period, not exceeding the maximum fixed by law, and for a minimum period not exceeding one-fifth of the maximum period fixed by law, and any person so convicted and sentenced may be released on parole as herein provided at any time after having served the minimum sentence : Provided, however, That this Act shall not abrogate the power of the justice or judge to sentence a convicted prisoner to the death penalty as now or hereafter may be provided by law : Provided further, That where a justice or a ud ge of the Su preme Court of the Distr ict of Columb ia has impos ed a life sentence on the prisoner convicted in the District of Columbia, said prisoner serving such sentence shall be eligible to parole as herein provided at any time after having served fifteen years of his life's sentence . SEc . 4. That whenever, within the limitations of section 3 of this Act, it shall appear to the Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Parol e, fro m the report s of t he pri soner's work and co nduct which may b e rece ived i n acco rdance with the rul es and regul ations pre- scribed, and from the study and examination made by the board itself , that an y prisone r serving an indet erminate sentence is fitted by his training for release, that there is a reasonable probability that such a prisoner will liv e and rem ain at li berty wit hout viol ating the law and in the opinion of the board such release is not incompatible WA the welfare of society, said Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Parole may, in its discretion, authorize the release of such prisoner on parole, and he shall be allowed to go on parole, outside of said prison, a nd in the discreti on of th e board t o return to his ho me upon such terms and conditions, including personal reports from sai d par oled pris oner, as said Board of Indet ermin ate S ente nce To remain to legal and Parole shall prescribe, and to remain, while on parole, in the Custody or boars . legal custody and under the control of the superintendent of the institution from which the prisoner may have been paroled, until the expiration of the maximum of the term or terms specified in his sen tence, le ss such g ood-time allowance as is, o r may her einafter be, Service without pay . Proviso. Travel expenses . Parole officers . her, etc . Appoi ntment , unto . Duties, author Ity, etc . Salaries and e x - penses Vol. 42, p . 1488; Vol. 45, p.778;Vol. 46, p. 1003. V 'Up. S. 26 C., p. 65 ; Supp. Payable from appro- priate funds . Sentence imposed . Maximum not to ex- ceed legal maximum . Release on parole, on per i comp letin g mini mum od. Provisos. Death penalty not abrogated . Life sentences, parole allowed after 15 years' service. Prisoner serving an ind etermi nate sen- tence. Provision` for release on parole .