Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/775

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 6-8. DEC. 19, 22, 23 2 1932.

751 pursued . All such establishments shall be required to remain closed one day in every seven beginning at midnight or sunset . Any person ist isbnient for vfo- violating any of t he provis ions of t his Act s hall be d eemed gui lty of a misde meanor , and, upon convic tion t hereof, shall be pu nished by a fine not in excess of $20 or by imprisonment for not more than sixty days, or both . , The Commissioners of the District of Columbia Enforcement. are hereby authorized and empowered to make, modify, and enforce reasonable regulations to obtain 'compliance with the provisions of this Act, and such regulati ons shall have the force an d effect of law within the Di strict of Co lumbia . Approved, December 19, 1932 . [CHAPTER 7.] AN ACT Decemr 22; 1932. To authorize and direct the transfer of Widow's Island, Maine, by the Secretary rte

138 3 .1 of the Navy to the Secretary of Agriculture for administration as a migratory- [Public, No . 310 .] bird refuge . Be it endet ed by th e Senate and Hou se of Re presenta tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the ~+ecre- T lw e~ sa id ny tary of t he Navy i s hereby authorize d and dir ected to transfer to the partment of Agricui- Secretary of Agriculture all of Widow's Island, located in latitude a to ho for

r efu ge, forty-four degrees, seven minutes and forty-six seconds north, and longitude six%y-eight degrees, forty-nine minutes and fifty-four seconds west, about two and three-fourths miles east of North Haven, Maine, in Fox Island Thoroughfare, and about one-fourth mile south of Goose Rocks Light in the State of Maine, containing twelve acres more or less, toget her wi th all impro vements there on, to be ma in- tained and administered as a migratory-bird refuge ; and the Secre- btD'dmposal of surplus tart of Agriculture is authorized to remove or dispose df as surplus property any buildings thereon, which in his opinion are not neces- sary for said refuge uses . Section 10 of the Act of June 27, 1926 (Public Numbered 345, Mhe a de ed °0d to Sixty- ninth Congre ss ; 44 S ta t . 700), is her eby repealed .

Pv~44, p. 702, re- Approved, December 22, 1932 . [CHAPTER 8.1 JOINT RESOLUTION

December 23,1932 . Authorizing the Secreta ry of the Na vy to sell ob solete and s urplus cloth ing at [g.? •Res. 500.] nominal prices for distribution to the needy .

[Pub. Res ., No. 4s.] Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Navy, .f clothing . etc., of the Navy is hereby authorized, under such regulations as he may authorized . prescribe, to sell, at nominal prices, to recognized charitable organ- izations, to States and subdivisions thereof, and to munic1palities, such nonregulation and excess clothing as may be available and required for distribution to the needy : Provided, That such clothing &We forbidden. shall be sold onl y after a greement by the p urchaser that it s hall not be resold but shall be given absolutely free to the needy : Provided metetc °n ~ allot further, That a fair proportionate allotment of such clothing shall be set aside for distribution in each State and the District of Colum- bia as provided herein and shall not be sold for distribution within any other State until after the expiration of thirty days . Approved, December 23, 1932 .