Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/851

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 98. FEBRUARY 17, 1933 .

827 Fo r tran sfer to the Geological Survey for expenditures to be Geological survey . mad e in inspecting mines and examining min er al deposits on Supervising o

mining Indian lands and in supervising mining operations on restricted, tribal, and allotted Indian lands leased under the provisions of the 35, Vol. ? 6lz; 795 ; Vol. 783 . Acts of February 28, 1891 (26 Stat., p. 795), May 27, 1908 (35 Stat., u.s.c.,p.717. p. 312), March 3, 1909 (U. S. C., title 25, sec. 396), and other Acts authorizing the leasing of such lands for mining purposes, $60,000 . Empl oyment for I n- For the purpose of obtaining remunerative employment for dians. Indians, $21,160, and $30,000 of the unexpended balance for th is Balance available . purpose for the fiscal year 1933 is continued available for the same purpose for the fiscal year 1934 . For the purpose of developing agriculture and stock raising Developing sgricul- tune and stock raisin g. among the Indians, including necessary personnel, traveling and other expenses, and purchase of supplies and equipment, $355,000, Agricultural eaperi° of which not to exceed $15,000 may be used to conduct agricultural rents on farms . experiments and demonstrations on Indian school or agency farms and to maintain a supply of suitable plants or seed for issue to Indians . For the purpose of encouraging industry and self-support among try nceetc ,among Indians and to aid them in the culture of fruit s, grain s, and diana ° other crops, $449,200, which sum may be used for the purchase of seeds, a nimals, machiner y, tools , implem ents, and other e quipment necessary, and for advances to Indians having irrigable allotments to assist tem in the development and cultivation thereof, in the dis- cretion of the S ecretary of the Interior, to ena ble Indians to be come self-supporting : Provided, That the expenditures for the purposes Pcpvfsoa . above set forth shall be under conditions to be prescribed by the Secre- tary of the Interior for repayment to the United States on or before June 30, 1939, except in the case of loans on irrigable lands for per- manent improvement of said lands, in which the period for repay- ment may run for not exceeding t wenty years, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior : Provided further, That $150,000 shall be Pima Indians,

' immediately available for expenditures for the benefit of the Pima Indians, and not to exceed $25,000 of the amount herein appropriated shall be expended on any other one reservation or for the benefit of Purch ase of tribal any other one tribe of Indians : Provided further, That no part of this nerds. appropriation shall be used for the purchase of tribal herds : Provided Advances toold,etc ., further, That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized, in allottees. his discretion and under such rules and regulations as he may pre- scribe, to make advances from th is appropriation to old, disabled , or indigent Indian allottees, for their support, to remain a charge and lien against their lands until paid : Provided further, That advances yo d tion of Indian may be made to worthy Indian youths to enable them to take educa- tional courses, including courses in nursing, home economics, for- estry, and other industrial subjects in colleges, universities or other institutions, and advances so made shall be reimbursed in not to R epay ment . exceed eight y ears, under such rules and regul ations as the Se cretary of the Interior may prescribe .

Industrial assistance . Industrial assistance (tribal funds)

For the construction of construction homes for individual members of the tribes ; the purchase for sale

c of equipment, t to them of seed, animals, machinery, tools, implements, building Advances to old, etc ., material, and other equipment and supplies ; and for advances to Indians. old, di sabled, or indig ent Indi ans for their su pport, a nd India ns having irrigabl e allotm ents to assist t hem in t he devel opment a nd Balances avallable . cultivation thereof, the unexpended balances of the appropriations Awte, pp . 98, 333. under this head contained in the Interior Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1933, and the Act of June 27, 1932 (47 Stat ., p . 335), are hereby continued available during the fiscal year 1934