Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/857

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 98. FEBRUARY 17, 1933 .

833 Indian chil dren enroll ed in the p ublic schools of the State of Minnesota, $48,000, payable from the principal sum on deposit to the credit of the Chippewa Indians in the State of Minnesota aris- Vol.25,p.845. ing under section 7 of the Act of January 14, 1889 (25 Stat ., p . 645) ; in all, $706,100 . Educatipn, Osage Nation, Oklahoma (tribal funds)

For the S Seot o as BOardlng education of unallotted Osage Indian children in the Saint Louis Education of Usage Missio n B~o ardin g Scho ol, O klahom a, $2 ,500, paya ble fr om fu nds children. held in must by the United States for the Osage Tribe . For subsistence of pupils retained in Government boarding schools Summer schools . of all c lasses d uring su mmer mon ths, $90 ,000 .

Subsistence, etc . For collection and transportation of pupils to and from Indian School trans ports - and public schools, and for placing school pupils, with the consent `ion, etc. of their parents , under the care and control of white families qu ali- fied to ive them moral, industrial, and educational training, $95,000 . For ease, purchase, repair, and improvement of buildings at School bu ildin g s. sch ools not otherwi se provi ded for, includi ng the p urchase struction, etc . of necessary lands and the installation, repair, and improvement of heating, lighting power, and sewerage and water systems in con- nection therewith, 272,600, for construction of physical improve- ments, $192,000, to be immediately available ; in all, $464,600 : Pro- Proviso. vided, That not more than $7,500 out of this appropriation shall be limited construction expend ed fo r new const ructi on at any one school or ins titut ion except for new construction authorized as follows : New M exico : Exceptions . North ern Nava jo, cons truc tion of heat ing and pow er s yste ms, $57, 000 ; North Dak ota : Tu rtle Moun tai n im prov emen t of wat er supply and sewer system, $17,000 ; Soutb Dakota : Pi ne Ridge, cent ral hea ting pla nt, $38 ,000 . For flood prot ection and drainage, Leupp Indian School and eg c ppp School and Agency, Arizona, $29,500, to be immediately available .

Flood protection, etc . For support and education of Indian pupils at the following non- nai abr e dings ch oisd reservation boarding schools in not to exceed the following amounts, respectively Pho enix, Arizona : For seven hundred and twenty-five pupils, in- Phoenix, Mix. eluding not to exceed $1,500 for printing and issuing school paper, $2 2 6, 8 60 ; for pay o f superintendent , drayage, and g eneral repairs a nd improvements, $27,620 ; in all, $254,480 ; Truxton C anyon, Arizona : For two hundred and fifteen pupils, Truxton Canyon, $62,380 ; for pay of superintendent, drayage, and general repairs and Ar' z ' improvements, $9,735 ; for employees' quarters, $3,000 ; in all, $75,115 ; Th eodore Roos evelt India n Sch ool, Fort Apache, Arizona : Four FTheodor BR Arts. el t, hun dre d p upi ls, $1 15, 930 ; for pay of super intenden t, draya ge, and general repairs and improvements, $22,750 ; in all, $138,680 ; Sherman Institute, Riverside, California : For eight hundred Riverside, ins titute , pupils, including not to exceed $1,000 for printing and issuing school paper, $251,285 ; for pay of superintendent, drayage, and general repairs and improvements, $19,615 ; in all, $270,900 ; Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kansas : For nine hundred pupils, in- Lawrence, u Institute, eluding not to exceed $2,500 for printing and issuing school paper, $282,885 ; for pay of superintendent, drayage, and general repairs and improvements, including necessary drainage work, $29,615 ; in all, $312,500 : Provided, That the unexpended balance of the appro- B alance for shop priation contained in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, bui lding con tinu ed fiscal year 1933, for shop building, including equipment, is hereby available . p. 105. continued available until June 30, 1934 ; Mount Pleasant, Michigan : For three hundred and twenty-five Mich .

Pleasant, pupils, $97,850 ; for pay of superintendent, drayage, and general repairs and imp rovement s, $13,7 50 ; in all, $111,600 ; 30 51 •-35- 83