Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/87

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS. 74, 75 . MARCH 8, 10, 1932 .

63 su ch bri dge an d its approa ches a nd app urtenan ces, w hich s tateme nt shall include any expenditures actually made for engineering and legal services ; and any fees, discounts, and other expenditures actuall y incu rred i n conn ection with the fin ancing there of . Such 1ei ot ig;ti n by See itemized statement of cost shall be investigated by the Secretary of War at any time within three years after the completion of such bridge, and for that purpose the said Vernon W . O'Connor, his successors or assigns, in such manner as may be deemed proper, shall make available and accessible all records connected with the construc- tion and financing of such bridge, and the findings of the Secretary of War as to the actual cost of such bridge shall be made a part of the records of the War Department . SEc. 3. The said Vernon W . O'Connor, his heirs, legal repre- Toll rates . se ntatives, and assi gns, is h ereby aut horized to fix an d charge tolls for transit over such bridge in accordance with any laws of Minne- sota applicable thereto, and the rates of toll so fixed shall be the le gal rates until ch anged by the Secre tary of War under the auth ority contained in the Act of March 23, 1906 . SEC . 4 . The right to sell, assign, transfer, and mortgage all the night to sell, assig n, rights, powers, and privileges conferred by this Act is hereby granted etc" conferred. to Vernon W. O'Connor, his heirs, legal representatives, and assigns ; and any corporation to which or any person to whom such rights, powers, and privileges may be sold, assigned, or transferred, or who shall acquire the same by mortgage foreclosure or otherwise, is hereby authorized and empowered to exercise the same as fully as though confer red he rein d irectl y upon such c orpora tion o r pers on . SEC. 5. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby Amendment. ex pressly r eserved . Appr oved , Mar ch 8, 1932 . [CHA PTER 75.] AN ACT

March 10, 1932. Authorizing the George Washington Bicentennial Commission to print and dis- (s .1861 .1 tribute additional sets of the writings of George Washington .

(public, No . 65.) Be it enact ed by th e Senate and Hou se of Re presenta tives of the George Wa shi ng ton United States o f Americ a in Con gress as sembled, That section 1 of Bicen rennIsl Commas . the Act entitled "An Act to enable the George Washington Bicen- si voi .46,p .71 . tennial Commission to carry out and give effect to certain approved plans," approved February 21, 1930, is amended by striking out all preceding the last sentence therein and inser ting in l ieu there of the following " That the United States Commission for the Celebration of the E ditio n of esse ntial writings of George Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington Washing on to be pre. established by the joint resolution entitled `Joint resolution authoriz- Vol . 43,P.871. ing an appropriation for the participation of the United States in the preparation and completion of plans for the comprehensive observance of that greate st of all histor ic events, the b icentennial of t he birthday of George Washington,' ap roved December 2, 1924 (hereinafter referred to as the commission, is authorized and directed to prepare, as a congressional memorial to George Washington, a definitive edi- tion of all his e ssential writings, public and priva te exclud ing the diarie s), in cludin g pers onal l etters from t he ori gina m anuscr ipts or first print s, and the gener al orders, at a cost not to exce ed $56,000 Limit of cost . for preparation of the manuscript . Such definitive edit! on shall be mg Printing and bind. bind- 1 printed and bound at the Government Printing Office and shall be in abou t the same f orm as the a lready publis hed di aries of Geo rge Washington and shall consist of twenty-five volumes, more or less . I I