Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/875

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 98. FEBRUARY 17, 1933 .

851 Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota : For a dministr ation, Wind Cave, S. Dak. protecti on, and maintena nce, inc luding n ot exceed ing $250 for the maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven passenger-carry- ing vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connection with general park work, $18,160 . Yellowsto ne National Park, Wyoming : For administration, pro- Yellowstone, Wyo. tection, and maintenance, including not exceeding $6,825 for the purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven passenge r-carryi ng vehic les for the use of the su perinten dent and employees in con ne cti on wi th ge ne ral p ark work, not exceeding $8,400 for maint enance of the ro ad in the nation al forest leading out of the park from the east boundary, not exceeding $7,500 for mainte- nance of the roa d in the nationa l forest leading out of the park from the south boundary, and including feed for buffalo and other animals and salaries of buffalo keepers, $450,100 ; for construction of physical improvements $14,400, including not exceeding $9,000 for extension of water and sewer systems, and not exceeding $2,400 for a comfort station and $3,000 for camp-ground development ; in all, $464,500 . Yosemite National Park, California : For administration, protec- Yosemite, calls . tion, and maintenance, including not exceeding $1,800 for the main- tenance, operation, and repair, of motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connec- tion with general park work, not exceeding $2,000 for maintenance of the road in the Stanislaus National Forest connecting the Tioga Road with the Retch Hetchy Road near Mother Station, and includ- ing necessary expenses of a comprehensive study of the problems relating to the use and enjoyment of the Yosemite National Park and the preservation of its natural features, $313,400 ; for construc- tion of physical improvements, $20,100, including not exceeding $14,700 for the construction of buildings, of which not exceeding $1,800 shall be available for a garage, $3,300 for a comfort station $3,700 for a heating plant, $1,500 for an addition to a cabin, and $4,400 for a ranger station ; in all, $333,500 . Zion National Park, Utah : For administration, protection, and Zion, utah. maintenance, including not exceeding $1,150 for the purchase, main- tenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connec- tion with general park work, 0,94 0 ; for constructio n of a checking station, employees' quarters, and water system at the east entrance, $6,500 ; in all, $47,440 . National monuments : For administration, protection, mainte- nance, and preservation of national monuments, including not exceed ing $ 2,100 for t he pu rchase , mai ntena nce, operat ion, and repair o motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the custodians and employees in connection with general monument work, $78,760 ; for construction of physical improvements, $10,300, including not ex ceeding $1,200 f or a checking st ation, $3,300 for two eq uipment sheds, a nd $2,00 0 for a comfort station ; in all, $89,0 60 . Colonial National Monument, Virginia : For administration, pro- Colonial, va tectio n, ma inten ance, and i mprove ment, incl uding not e xceed ing $675 for the maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connection with general monument work, $52,030 .

oeorge washtngton George Washington Birthplace National Monument, Wakefield, Hlrthplace, va . Virginia : For administration, protection, maintenance, and improve- ment, including not exceeding $400 for the maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the custodian and employees in connection with general monu-