Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/886

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 109 . FE BRUAR Y 21, 1933 . opinion, or decision upon any matter or question which is or may be brought before him for decision, shall be influenced thereby, is punishable by imprisonment in the penitentiary not more than ten years ." SEC. 22. That section 96 of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone is hereby amended to read as follows Receivinreward g unauthor y - " SEC . 96. Every judicial officer who asks or receives any emolu- ized, etc . b judicial officer a teiony . ment, g ratuit y, or reward , or a ny pro mise th ereof, excep t such as may be authorized by law, for doing an official act, is guilty of a felony ." SEC . 23. That section 98 of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone is hereby amended to read as follows Att em pts toi nfi ue nce "SEC, 98 . Every person who corruptly attempts to influence a jurors' juror, or any person summoned or drawn as a juror, or chosen as an arbitrator or umpire, or appointed a referee, in respect to his verdict in, or decision of any cause, or proceeding, pending, or about to be brought before him, either "1 . By means of any communication, oral or written, had with him except in the regular course of proceedings ; "2 . By means of any book, paper, or instrument exhibited, other- wise than in the r egular co urse of p roceeding s ; "3. By means of .any threat, intimidation, persuasion, or entreaty ; or, . "4. By means of any promise, or assurance of any pecuniary or other advantage ; Punishmen t for .

"Is punishable by a fine nott exceeding $5,000, or by imprisonment in the pe nitentiar y not exc eeding fi ve years ." SEC . 24. That section 99 of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone is hereby amended to read as follows Corrupt conduct of "SEC, 99 . Every juror s or p erson drawn or summoned as a juror, judicial ofHeers and

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or chosen arbitrator or umpire, or appointed referee, who either "1. Makes any promise or agreement to give a verdict or decision for or against any party ; or, "2 . Willfully and corruptly permits any communication to be made to him, or receives any book, paper, instrument, or information relating to any cause or matter pending before him, except according Punishment for, to the regular course of proceedings, is punishable by fine not exceeding $5,000, or by imprisonment in the penitentiary not . exceed- in five years ." BEC. 25. That section 102 of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone is hereby amende d to r ead as follo ws Punishment of per- "Sam . 102. Every person, not an officer referred to in the pre= sons not referred to. ceding section, who is guilty of any of the acts specified in that section , is p unisha ble by impri sonmen t eithe r in t he pen itenti ary not exceeding five years, or in jail not exceeding one year, or by a fine not exceeding 51,000, or both such fine and imprisonment ." SEC. 26. That Chapter II of Title X of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone is hereby amended by inserting therein after section 103 a new section numbered 103a to read as follows Adding names, ., "SEC. 103a . Every person who adds any names to the list of per . . tojuryItstsa felon . ate y Sons selected to serve as jurors, either by placing the same in the jury-box, or otherwise, or extracts any name therefrom, or destroys the jury-box or any of the pieces of paper containing the names of jurors, or mutilates or defaces such name > se that the same can not be read, or changes such names on the pieces of paper, except in cases al lowed by law, is g uilty of a felony ." SEC. 27. That Chapter II of Title X of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone is hereby amended by inserting therein after section 103a a new s ection numbe red 10 3b, to read a s foll ows