Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/934

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910 To person . Pro sec uti on of civil act ion . Civ il and criminal reme dies not merg ed . COURTS OF SUS- TICE , GENERAL PROVISIONS. SEC. 19 . SITTINGS, EIIBLIo .-The sittings of every court of justice shall be public, except as provided in section 20. SEC . 20. SITTINGS, WHEN PRIvATE .-In an action for divorce, crim- inal conversation, seduction, or breach of promise of marriage, the court may direct the trial of any issue of fact joined therein to be private, and may exclude all per sons except the officers of the c ourt, the p artie s, th eir witne sses, and coun sel : Provided, That in any cause the court may, i n the exercise o f a sound discre tion, during the exam- ination of a wit ness, exclude an y or all other w itnesses in the c ause . Conduct of proceed- SEC . 21. POWERS RESPECTING CONDUCT OF PROCEEDINGS .-Every co urt mPower of court .

shall have power 1 . To preserve and enforce order in its immediate presence ; 2 . To enforce order in the proceedings before it, or before a person or perso ns empow ered to conduct a judici al invest igation under it s authority ; 3 . To provide for the orderly conduct of proceedings before it, or its officers ; 4. To compel obedience to its judgments, orders, and process, and to the orders of a judge out of court, in an action or proceeding pending therein ; 5 . To contro l in furtherance of justice, the conduct ,of its minis- terial officers, and of all other persons in any manner connected with a j udicial proceedi ng befor e it, in every ma tter app ertainin g thereto ; 6 . To compel the attendance of persons to testify in an action or proceeding pending therein, in the cases and manner provided in this code ; 7. To administer oaths in an action or proceeding pending therein and in all other cases where it may be necessary in the exercise of 'its powe rs and duties ; 8. To amend and co nt rol its pr oce ss and orders so as tb ma ke them con formable to law and just ice . SEC . 22 . DISTRICT COURT TO HAVE SEA L.-T he distr ict cour t shall have a seal, which shall be kept by the clerk of the court . SEc. 23 . SAME ; TO WH AT DOC UME NTS AFFIXED .-The seal of the district court need not be affixed to any proceeding therein or docu- ment, except : 1.Toawrit;' 2 . To the cer tificate of prob ate Of a will or of the a ppointme nt of an executor, administrator, or guardian ; 3 . To the authentication of a copy of a record or other proceeding of the court, or of an officer t hereof, or of a copy of a documen t .on file in the office of the clerk . SEC . 24. DISTRICT COURT DOCKETS.-In add it ion to such dockets as may be speci ally pro vided fo r herein , the cl erk of t he distr ict court, under the direction of the judge, must cause to be prepared, Sittings, public. Sittings, private. Proviso . Exclusion of wit - ness es . District court seal . To what documents affi xed . District dockets. court 72d CON GRESS . SESS. II. CH. 127 . FEBRUARY 27, 1933 . S EC. 16 . INJIIRIEB TO 1 i PERSON.-Every other injury is an injury to the person . SEC. 17. CIVIL ACTION, BY WHOM PROSECUTED.-A civil action is pro se cut ed by one par ty ag ai nst another for the enforcement or protection of a right, or the redress or prevention of a wrong . SEC . 18. CIVIL AND CRIM INAL REM EDIE S NOT MERGED .-When the violation of a right admits of both a civil and criminal remedy, the right to prose cute the one is not merged in th e other . CHAPTER 2 .-G ENERAL PR OVISIONS RESPECTIN G COUR TS OF JUSTICE