Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/980

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 127. FE BRUARY 27, 1933 . For matio n of . Peremptory chal- SEC . 281 . PEREMPTORY CHALLENGES, CIVIL CASES .-Either party may lenges ' eiva cam . challenge the jurors, but where there are several parties on either side, they must join in the challenge before it can be made . The challenges are to individual jurors and are either peremptory or for cause . Each party is entitled to four peremptory challenges . If no peremptory challenges are taken until the panel is full, they must be taken by the parties alternately, commencing with the plaintiff, and each party shal l be ent itle d to have the panel ful l be fore exercising any peremptory challenge . Challenges for cause . SEC . 282. CHALLENGES OF JURORS FOR CAUSE .-Challenges for cause may be taken on one or more of the following grounds 1 . A want of any of the qualifications prescribed to render a per- son competent as a juror . 2 . Consang uinity o r affini ty withi n the fou rth degr ee to an y party, or to an officer of a corporation, which is a party ; 3. Standing in the relation of guardian and ward, mas ter and serv ant, e mploy er an d cler k, or prin cipal and a gent, or d ebtor and creditor, to either party, or to an officer of a corporation which is a party, or being a member of the family of either party ; or a -partner in business with either party ; or surety on any bond or obligation for either party, or being the holder of bonds or shares of the capital stock of a corporation which is a party . 4. Having served as a juror in a civil action or been a witness on a previous trial between the same parties, for the same cause of action ; or having served as a juror within one year previously in any civil actio n or procee ding in wh ich ei ther party was plaint iff or defendant. 5 . Interest on the part of the juror in the event of the action, or in the main question involved in the action . 6. Having an unqualified opinion or belief as to the merits of the action founded upon knowledge of its material facts or of some of them. 7. The existence of a state of mind in the juror evincing enmity against or bias to either party . 8. That he is a party to an action pending in the court for which he is drawn and which action is set for trial before the panel of which he is a member. How tried. SEC . 283 . CHALLENGES, HOW T RIE D.- Challenges for cause mus t be tried by the court . The juror challenged and any other person may be examined as a witness on the trial of the challenge . Jury to be sworn . SEC. 284. JURY TO BE SWORN .-As soon as the jury is completed, an oath must be administered to the jurors, in substance, th at they and each of them will well and truly trv the matter in issue between r--, the plaintiff, and , defendant, and a true ver- dict render according to the evidence . Conduct of trial . Order of proceedings on trial . FORMATION OF JURY CON DUCT OF TR IAL SEC. 285 . ORDER OF PROCEEDING ON TRIAL .-When the jury has bee n sworn, the trial must proceed in the following order, unless the judge, for special reasons, otherwise directs 1 . The plaintiff, after stating the issue and his case, must produce the evidence on his part ; 2 . The defendant may then open his defense, and offer his evi- dence in support thereof ; 3 . The pa rties ma y then r espectiv ely offe r rebutt ing evid ence only , unless the court, for good reason, in furtherance of justice, permit them to offer evidenc e upon th eir orig inal cas e ;