Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1061

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COMMERCIAL HELATIONS-PERSIA. de ne porter atteinte ni it l'ordre public ni aux lois et reglements Persans. Veuillez agf(~er, Monsieur Ie Ministre, l'assurance de ma haute consideration. SON EXCELLENCE MONSIEUR HOFFMAN PHILIP Alinistre des Etats-Unis d'Amh-ique Teheran {Translation] ~1R. ~hXISTER, F. PAKREVAN In reply to your request relative to American Missionaries, I have the honor to inform you that they will be autJlOrized to carryon their charitable and educational work on the condition that it con- travenes neither the public order nor the laws and regulations of Persia. Please accept, Mr. Minister, the assurance of my high consideration. HIS EXCELLENCY, ,l\1R. HOFFMAN PHILIP, Minister oj the United States oj America, Tehera.n. [No. 19] F. P AKREVA:'~ 2651