Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1067

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NAVIGATIOX DrES-PLEASUUE YACHT~S'YEDEN. Royal Decree of the Swedish GOl'ernment [Tmnslationj No. 394 ROYAL DECREE REGARDING EXE~IPTION IN CERTAIN CASES FOR SALVAGE VESSELS AND PLEAsrRE YACHTS FROM PAYMENT OF ~lARITIME DeEs Given at the Palace of Stockholm, October i, 192i. His Royal :Majesty has deemed fit to decree that salvage vessels and pleasure yachts referred to in sedions 124 and 126 of the Cus- toms Regulatfons, under the conditions mentioned in these sections, shall in Swedish ports be exempt from all those fees which aregener- allY assessed for vessels in such ports, with the exception of pilotage fees where a pilot is employed. This decree shall enter ~into force on May 1, 1928, on and from which day the regulations in the letter to the Board of Trade of April 24, 1863 (No. 2:3), relating to the exemption from certain fees in Swedish ports accorded vessels intended for dinng and salvage acth'ities, shall cease to be effective. Let all concerned duly comply herewith. In faith whereof, 'Ve have Rig-ned this with Our own hand and have ctlused it to be con- firmed by Our Royal Senl. The Palace of Stockholm, October 7, 1927. GUSTAF (L. s.) (Department of Commerce) FELIX HAMRI!Il 2657 The American Charge d'"tj/u'ire8 ad interim (Crocker) to the Royal, Al(reemeot by t'oi:", . 1 l\lini,,-<lter for Foreign Affairs (Ramel) lotate,.. No.5l;. LEGATION 01<' THE l7NITED STATES 01<' .bIERICA, STOCKHOLM, October 2.9, 1!J80. EXCELLENCY: I hnve the honor to acknowledge the receipt of lour Excellencv's note duted October 22, 1930, in reply to my note dnted January~ 3, 1930, addressed to Your Excellency's predecessor, relating to the de- sire of my Government to ohtain an a~reement on the part of the Swedish Government to accord to Amencan yuehts in Swedish ports treatment in the matter of the payment of various port charges reciprocal to that which is now enjoyed by Swedish vessels calling at ports of the United Stutes. Your Excellency is so good as to inform me that, according to the terms of Section 126 of the Swedish Customs Regulations and of the Hoy~tl Decree dated Oetober 7, 1927, yachts belonging to yacht clubs of countries where the SHme fncilities are accorded to Swedish yachts are exempted in Swedish ports from all navigation dues-except dues of pilotage when thr." hllve Rctually a pilot on board-provided that they he furnished with n cl'rtitieu~e delivered by the authorities of the country and on tllt' ullderstandmg that they are not equipped for commercial purpose::,- .