Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/150

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1756 lIlardl 3. l_ lB. 612& .) -,prr-nte, No. 2112.] 72d CONGRESS. SESS. II . CRS. 267-269. MARCH 3, 1933. [CHAPTER 267.] AN ACT For the relief of Radie L. Kirby. Be it enacted by the Senate and H0'U8e of Representatives of tM ~3 L. K~bY·1ss United States of America in aongres8 aB8emhled, That the Secretary to. paten to U8 of the Interior be, and is hereby', authorized and directed to issue a Mardl 3. 11133. [S.MIIO.) [PriV&.e. No. 293.) patent to Sadie L. KirbYl ~f SIlver City, New Mexico, for the east half of section 35, townsnip 15 south, ranse 18 west, New Mexico principal meridian, embraced in her additIonal entry (Las Cruces serial 0400(9) under the Stock-Raising Homestead Act. Approved, March 3, 1933. [CHAPTER 268.] .AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to sell certain Government property in Saint Louis, Mi880Uri. Be it enm:ted by the Senate aM H fmBe of Representati'IJe8 of the ~:to~~!;~8Ilt United State8 of Ame'loica in Oongress aB8emhled, That the Secretary property in. of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered, in his discretion, to sell to the city of Saint Louis, Missouri, the ap- praisers' stores site and building, at Third and Olive Streets, in the said city, at fair market value, at such time and upon such term.:; and conditions as he may deem to be to the best interests of the United States, and to convey such property to the city of Saint Louis by Pr~. f usual deed: PrO'Videa, That the cite and building shan ert~ er 0 pro~ remain in the custody and control of the United States and shan be G:;cupied by the United States withOl:!t pa~ent of r2nt until such ~::'rue as thfl new Federal building at Samt Louis, in which the pr~Jent Government activities in the f..ppraisers' stores building are tl' be housed, is completed and occupiea. and the present appraISers' stores site and buildmg are no longer required for any of the activi- Proceedsd8;>'1Sitedin ties of the UniteJ States Government: AM p1"(YI)ided f'Wrlher, That Trwsury. the proceeds of such sale shall be deposited in the Treasury as mis- cellaneous receipts in accordance WIth the provisions of section 5 Vol. «. p.633. of the Act entitled"Av_ Act to provide for the construction of certain public h:ildings, and for other purposes ", approved May 25, 1926. Approved, Marl.>h 3, 1933. [CHAPTER 269.] AN ACT ~s:~ ~i~' To relinquish the title of the United States in and to lands in Rapides Pariah, [Private. No. 5(.1 State of Louisiana Be it enacted by tM Senate and House of Repre8entatives of the It:liides PIIIish. La. United Stutes of America in Oongre88 aB8embled, That all the right, tit18t~=:~~Si~~ title, and interest of ~he Un?-~ States. ~ and to ~tion 5J, towns~p 4 north, r&;nge 1 west LoUlSIana mendian, RapIdes Pansh, LoUlSl- ana, containIng one hundred and thirty-five and forty-four one- hundredths acres, as shown on a plat of survey made bI A. C . Phelps, deputy surveyor, approved March 13,1839, by H. F . Williams, sur- ycyor general for the district of Louisiana, and segregated thereon as a double concession z be.z ..!l-nd the same is hereby, released, relinguished, and confirmed by the united States to J. Taylor Compton, T. Mad- dox Compton, Ursula Compton Craig, and the legal representatives of J. M. Armstrong, and to their respective heirs and aSSIgns forever: