Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/171

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CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. 1777 REYENUE BILL (H. R. 10236)• April 28, 1~ [8. CoD. ReI., No. 26.) Re80l'Ved by·the Senate (the HQU.8e of Representati'IJe8 concurring), That in accordance with paragraph 3 of section 2 of the Printing Act ~ bill (H. R . approved March 1, 1907, the Committee on Finance of the Senate be, A~ ~ and is hereby, empowered to have printed one thousand five hlDldred ~~prlnted. additional copies of the consolidated hear~_ held before the com- A~~.~~3.12. mittee during the current session on the bill (H. R. 10236) to provide revenue, equalize taxation, and for other purposes. Passed, April 23, 1932. NATIONAL ECONOMIC COUNCIL. AprIl24,II132. [8. Coo. Res., No. 18.] Ruolvea by the Senate (the Htnl8e of Repreaentati'IJes CO'nQUfring), That in accordance with paragraph 3 of section 2 of the Printing Act Natiooal Economic approved March 1, 1907, the Committee on Manufactures of the ~UODal copies or Senate be, and is hereby, empowered to have printed one thousand ~DMm~ additional copies of the hearings held before the committee during the ~~M. 1012 current session on the Establishment of a National Economic Council. 0 p.. Passed, April 25, 1932. April 28. 11132. STATUE OF CHARLES BRANTLEY AYOOOK. [H. Con. Res., No. 29.] Resolved by the House of Representative8 (the Senate CfmCU1'1'ing) , That the statue of Charles Brantle:y Aycock1..J>resented by the State B:"TarmstroBot (talk) A~cxJharles of North Carolina to be placed in Statuary Hall, is hereby accepted Acceptance' and in the name of the United States, and that the thanks of Congress be ~c:~cTarmstroBot (talk) to tendered to the State of North Carolina for the contribution of the PM, p.1778. . statue of one of its most eminent citizens, illustrious for the high purpose of his life and his distinguished services to the State and Nation. Second. That a copy of these resolutions, suitably engrossed and Copy to Gcmrnor. duly authenticated, be transmitted to the Governor of the State of North Carolina. Passed, April 28, 1932. May 3, 11132. STATUES OF GEORGE WASHINGTON AND ROBERT E. LEE. [H. Con. Res.• No. 24 .] Re80l'/.,'ed by the House of Repre8entatives (the Senate cOtUJurring} , That the thanks of this Congress be presented to the governor and W~~nocan~~ through him to the people of the Sta~ of Virginia for the statues of art E. Lee. Geor~e Washington and Robert E. Lee, whose names are so honor- t~e~:'b~~nt~ ably Identified with the history of our country; that these works of Virginia Cor. art are accepted in the name of the Nation and assigned to places in the old Hall of Representatives already set aside by Congress for the statues of eminent citi~ns; and that a copy of this resolution, signed Copy te Governor. by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Rep- resentatives, be transmitted to the Governor of Virginia. Passed, May 3. 1932,