Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/209

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INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY CONVENTION. NOV. 6, 1925. 1815 Pour lee £taf.&.Unis du Men- que: For the United. Mexican States: ~td. JULIO POULAT. Pour la Norv~ge: B. WYLLER. Pour lee Pays-Bas: J. ALINGH PRINs. BI.JLEVELD. DI.JCKMEESTER. Pour la Pologne: ST. KOZMINSKI. FREDERIC ZOLLo Pour Ie Portugal: BANDEIRA. Pour Ie Royaume des Serbes, Croates et Slovenes: Dr. YANKO CHOUMANE. MlHAILO PREDITCH. Pour la Suede: E. O . J . BJORKLUND. H. H .JERTEN. AXEL HASSELROT. Pour la Suisse: A. DE PURY. W. KRAFT. Pour la Syrie et Ie Grand Liban: CH. DE MARCILLY. Pour la Tchecoslovaquie: BWCEK. Prof. Dr. KAREL HER- MANN-OTAVSKY. Ing. BOHUSLAV P AVLOU- SEK. Pour la Tunisie: CH. DE MARCILLY. Pour la Turquie: JULIO POULAT For Norway: B. WYLLER For the Netherlands: J. ALINGH PRINS BIJLEVELD DXJCKMEE8TER For Poland: ST. KOZMINSKI FREDERIC ZOLL For Portugal: BANDEmA For the ~dom of the Serbs, Croats ana Slovenes: Dr. YANKO CHOUMANE MIHAILO PRE DITCH For Sweden: E. O. J. BJORKLUND H. HJERTEN AXEL HASSELROT For Switzerland: A. DE PURY W. KRAFT For Syria and Greater Lebanon: CH. DE MARCILLY For Czechoslovakia; BARACEK Prof. Dr. KAREL HER- MANN-OTAVSKY Engineer BOHUBLA v P AV- LOUBEK For Tunis: CR. DE MARCILLY For Turkey: AND WHEREAS, the said Convention has been duly ratified on the lt~tiftoation depos· part of the United States of America, and the instrument of ratifics- . tion by the United States of America was deposited with the Gov- 'ernment of the Swiss Confederation on January 22, 1931; AND W HEREAB, notification of the said deposit was given by the Government of the Swiss Confederation to all other contracting parties on February 6, 1931' AND WHEREAS, in acoo;Jance with the terms of the said Con- vention, the Convention will come into force in respect of the United States of America, one month from the date of such notification, namely, on March 6, 1931; AND WHEREAS, the said Convention is now in force in respect of Adberiac countries. the Governments of Austria, Bebrium, the United States of Brazil, Canada, France, Morocco (FrenCh and Spanish Zones), GermanYl Great Britain and Northem Ireland, Hll!J.gary, Italy, the Unitea Mexican States, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, the Swiss Con- federation, Syria and the Lebanon, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunis, Turkey and Yugoslavia, whose instruments of ratification have been deposited, or whose notifications of adherence have been given, in conformity with the requirements of the said Convention;