Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/231

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CONVENTION-AMERICAN RIGHTS IN ffiAQ. JAN . 9, 1930. 18il7 Special Competl8atWn for DeatA., dc., due to Local Di8tvrba1We8, etc. Sobedule n-ooow. 12. Spedal compensation, which shall not be leas tavourable in the cue of an 01llcer of the Imperial forces or indian army than that to which he would be entitled under the regulations of bla parent service, win be granted under rules to be laid down hereafter by agreement between the mgh Contracting Parties in the case of death, injury and 1088 of property. &c., due to war or local disturbances, Gr in the case of permanent dlsabll1ty certl1led by a medical board to have arisen out of the Circumstances of his employment. In the case of loss of property, no compensation will be paid unless it can be reasonably shown that It was impossible to insure such property, or that insurance could only have been effected at an exorbitant premium. In any case compensation wlll be paid only in respect of articles considered necessary and indispensable and the Government will take no responslbUlty for the loss, theft or destruction of valuables, such as jewellery. works of art, &C. Gratuity. 13. On the expiry or termination of his contract, except under clauses 14 and 18, an ofticer shall be entitled in addition to any sums payable under clause 8(5) to a gratuity of one month's pay at the rate he 18 then drawing for every completed year of service, fractions of a year to be reckoned at the rate of one day's pay for twelve days' service. In the case of ofticers who are lent or transferred to the Iraq Government by other Governments and who would continue to quaUfy far the pension payable by their parent service on condition that their pension contributions continue to be paid, such peneion contributions (except in so far as they are payable by the ofticer himself under the rules of his parent service) shall con- tinue to be paid by the Iraq Government. Such ofticers will not be eligible for payment of a gratuity under this clause. Languages. 14. An ofticer will be required to comply with the Ptovislons of such regula- tions relating to language examinations as may be drawn up by the Ministry of Defence and approved by the High Commissioner. Such regulations may provide for the stoppage of promotion in the Iraq service in the event of falIure to pass any examination prescribed as com- pulsory and may further provide for the termination of the ofticers contract without compensation in the event of repeatoo failures. Travelling AZlowance.. Acting AUOtDmIoeB. 15. Travelling and transport allowances within Iraq and acting allowances phaD be admissible in accordance with rules applicable to local o1Bcers. OurrenCf/. 16. In the event of the currency being altered the rupee emoluments shail thereafter be payable in the I!ew currency at the current rate of exchange, except as provided in clause 3(2) of this schedule. Di8cipZine. 17. Officers will for the purpose of discipline be under the senior British officer employed under the Ministry of Defence, who will himself for disci- plinary purposes be under the High Commissioner. Termination for Insubordination, etc. 18. The Government has the right, subject to the concurrence of the High Commissioner, to terminate without compensation the services of an o1Bcer who has been guilty of Insubordination or misconduct. Termination Of Contract by Otlf,cer. 19. An o1Bcer will be entitled to terminate his contract on giving three months' notice in writing to the Minister of Defence, but in that case he will not be e:r.titled to a free passage home unless he has completed at least eighteen months' service in the country since joining or since his last return from leave. He will be entitled to receive the gratuity due to him under clause 13, but not to any leave or gratuity in lieu of leave. Arbitration. 20. If any question arises under the agreement entered into by an o1Bcer, whether 88 regards its meaning or in any other respect, it shall be referred to the High Commissioner, whose decision shall be finaL