Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/258

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1864 Bigamy. Arson. Damages, etc., to ran· roads. Piracy. Destroying vesseL Mutiny. Assanltonsbipboald. Burglary. Robbery. BJackmail. etc. Forgery. etc. Forgery of public documents. EXTRADITION TREATY-GERMANY. JULY 12, 19EO. 2. Willful assault resulting in grievous bodily harm. 3. Rape, immoral assault, mcest, abortion, car- nal knowledge of chil- dren under the age of twelve years. 4. Bigamy. 5. Arson. 6. Willful and unlawful de- struction or obstruc- tion of railroads, which endangers traffic. 7. Piracy. 8. Wrongfully sinking or destroymg a vessel. 9. Mutiny or conspiracy by two or more members of the crew or other persons Oll board of a vessel on the high seas, for the purpose of rebelling against the authority of the Captain or Command- er of such vessel, or by fraud or violence taking possession of such vessel. 10. Assault on board ship upon the high seas committed by a mem- ber of the crew upon an officer. 11. Breaking into and enter- ing the house or the office of another with intent to commit a theft therein. 12. Robbery, defined to be the act of taking from the person of another goods or money by violence or by putting him in fear. 13. Blackmail or extortion by unlawful means. 14. Forgery or the utter- ance of forged papers. 15. The forgery or falsifica- tion of the official acts of the Government or public authority, in- cluding Courts of Jus- tice, or the uttering or fraudulent use of any of such acts. 2. SBorfdQIi~ fd)roere R~ uetlet"ung. 3. 9lotaud)t, SBoma~mf' unail tiger .t)cmbIungm, SBII fd)anbe, ~btrrl&ung u Unaud)t mit Rinbem un 12 3a~ten. 4. ~oppeIe~. 5. SBtcmbftiftung. 6. 5Borfdt"Iid)e unb ndjt&Dibrl betfe~ttgefd~benbe .8 ftiSrung obet SBe~inberu bon ~fenbll~nm. 7. &rllub. 8. SBorfd~lid)e SBerfenfung 01 .8erftiSrung ebtri @3d)iff 9. IDleuterei obet .fotJtl)l aroeier obet m~rerer 9Jl gIiebet ber @3d)iff!bef aung ober anbeter ~ fonen an SBorb eil @3d)iffri auf ~o~ ~ al .8roede bet ~U~nlJ gegen bie SBefe~I6Qero bri Rllpitlln! obet ~f19~ bri @3d)iffri ober, urn I ~mlid) ober geroaItfllm ben SBefi, bri @3d)iffri fe~n. 10. ~dtHd)er Wngriff eit @3d)iff!mnnn~ gegen eil SBorgefe,ten an 5Borb I ~o~er @3ee. 11. ~itt~tingen in bel! .t>au~ 0 in ben ®efdjllft!rllum ell Ilnberen in biebifd)er ~ fid)t. 12. mllub (5lBegna~me bon @3nd obet ®eIb non dner ~er burd) ®erolllt ober ~ ~ung). 13. (Upreffung. 14. i}1l1fdjung bon Urfunben 0 Wu~geben non geflllf<t Urfunben. 1~. ~dlfdjung ober S8erfdlfd)1 amtlid)er @3d)rlftftilde megierung ober iSffentlic 5Be~iSrben elnfd)liefJIid) : ®erld)te ober ba~ 11 gwen oba betrilQerl1 ®ebmud)mad)en bon f d)en @3d)riftftilden.