Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/271

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TREATY, FRIENDSmp, ETC., -AUSTRIA. JUNE 19, 1928. 1877 ister Plenipotentiary of the mltdjttgten IDHnifter bet SBereinigten United States of America to EStaaten bon !merifa in Oftmeid), Austria, and The Federal President of the Republic of Austria, unb mer SBunbe!ptltfibent ber 9lepu.. bUf Oftemidj, Monsignore Ignatius Seipel, IDlonfignote Sgnaa ®eitlel, moftot bet Doctor of Theology, Federal ~ologie, SBunbe!fanalet, Chancellor, Who, having communicated to each other their fun powers found to be in due form, have agreed upon the following articles: ARTICLE I. The nationals of each of the High Contracting Parties shall be pennitted to ent-er, travel and reside in the territories of the other; to exer- cise liberty of conscience and freedom of worship I to e~~e in professional, scientific, religlous~ philanthropic, manufacturing ana commercial work of every kind without interference; to cany on every form of commercial actlvity which is not forbidden by the local law; to employ agents of their choice, and generally to do anything incidental to or neces- sary for the enjoyment of any of the foregoing privileges upon the same terms as nationals of the state of residence or as nationals of the nation hereafter to be most favored by it, submitting themselves to all local laws and regulations duly established. The nationals of each of the High Contracting Parties within the territories of the other shall be permitted to own, erect or lease and occupy appropriate buildings and to lease lands for residential, scientific, religious, philanthropic, manufacturing, commercial and mortuary pur- poses upon the same terms as nationals of the country. .AB regards the ac<).uisition, pos- session, and disposItion of im- movable property, except as re- gards the leasing of lands for specified purposes provided for in the foregoing paragraph, the na- tionals of each of the High Con- bie nadj gegenfetttger IDlittetlung i~tet in ge~iSrlger ~otm befunbenen SBollmadjten bie nadjfte~enben !tttfeI betetnbart ~aben: !tttfel I. mie ®taat&mg~iSrlgen Mutual freedom of • residence, religion, busl- iebe! bet ~o~ betttagfd)ltefJenben ness, etc. , permitted. ~eUe bUtfen bie @efriete bee anberen betteten, barin tetfen unb bon mo~nen; fie geniefien @emiffen!ft~t unb ~tets ~t bet 9leligiott!itbung; fie bUtfen fidj o~ne .pinbetung betuflidjer, miffens fdJaftIidjer, religiiSfer, p~Uan~toptfdjer, gemerblid)et unb gefd)ltftIid)et ~littg- fett iebet ~rt mtbmen; fie finb befugt, iebe Don ~en am Orte geltenben ~ fe~ nid)t berbotene ~otm gefdjiift.. Iidjer ~littgfeit au!auitben; fie bUtfen feIbftgem~lte SBettteter befdjltfttgen unb allgemein alle! tun, mae aUf !u!itbung itgenbeine! bet etlDlt~nten 9ledjte ge~iSrt oba niSttg ift, unb amat unter benfelben SBebingungen mie ?Inge~iSrige be! ®taate!, in bem fie fidj a~alten, obet mie ®taat!ange~iSrige riner etma filnf.. ttg bon biefem ®taat mit bem 9ledjte bet IDletftbegitnfttgung auegeftatteten 91ation; babei untermetfen fie fidj iebod) allen otbung!mltfiig etlaffenen, am ()rte geltenben @efe~n unb SBers otbnungen. i>ie ®taat!ange~iSrigen iebe! bet ~o~n DetttagfdjIiefimben ~etle follen ba! 9ledjt ~aben, in ben @ebieten be! anberen unter ben gletdjen SBebingungen mJe bie Wng~iSrlgen be! betteffenben ~anbe! aum ~o~nen unb au miffeRs fdjaftlidjen, teligiiSfen, p~Uan~topifd)en, gemerbIidjen, gefdjltftltdjen .8meden fomie au .8meden bet ~etdjenbeftattung geeignete @ebltube ale ~igentum au befi~n, au etrldjten oba au mieten unb ~anb filt biefe .8mede au pad)ten• .pinfidjtlidj ber <ntuerbung, be! SBefi~ unb ber SBetfitgung 1lber unbes roegIidje! ~entum, abgef~ Don bet ~adjtung bon ~anb fi" bie im bOt~.. ge~nben ?lbfaQ beaetdjneten .8tnede, follen bie ®taat!ang~iSrlgen iebe! bet ~o~ betttagfdjliefienben ~eile in bem