Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/272

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1878 TREATY, FRIENDSHIP, ETC., -AUSTRIA. JUNE 19, 1928. tracting Parties shall enjoy in the territory of the other, subject to reciprocity, the treatment gener- ally accorded to foreigners by the laws of the place where the prop- erty is situated. et~quality of taxes, The nationals of either High Contracting Party within the territories of the other shall not be subjected to the payment of any internal charges or taxes other or higher than those that are exacted of and paid by its na- tionals. Ju;i~ to courts of The nationals of each High Contracting Party shall enjoy freedom of access to the courts of j astice of the other on conforming to the local laws, as well for the prosecution as for the defense of their rights, and in all degrees of jurisdiction established by law. Protectionofpersons The nationals of each Hlah and property. •


Contractmg Party shall receIve within the territories of the other, upon submitting to conditions imposed upon its nationals, the most constant protection and security for theIr persons and property, and shall enjoy in this respect that degree of protection that is required by international law. TheIr property shall not be taken without due process of law and without payment of just compensation. ImmigrationJaws not Nothing contained in this affected. Treaty shall be construed to affect existing statutes of either of the High Contracting Parties in relation to the immigration of aliens or the right of either of the High Contracting Parties to enact such statutes. Civil liability for in- juries, etc. ARTICLE II. With respect to that form of protection granted by National, State or Provincial laws establishing civil liability for injuries or for death, and gtving to relatives or heirs or dependents of an injured party a right of ac- tion or a pecuniary benefit, such relatives or heirs or dependents of the injured party, hiInself a. na- tional of eitlier of the High Con- tracting Parties and within any of the territories of the other, shall regardless of their alienage or resi- @ebiete b~ anbeten unter bet 58ebingung bet @egenfeitigfeit bie 58el)anblung geniefien, bie nad) ben @efe~ bet On~, too ba~ iigmtum gelegen ift, im aUgemeinen Cluf ~u~Utnber ~ntDenoo bung finbet. ~ie ®taat!ange~orlgen ieb~ bet beiben ~o~en berttagfd)Iiefienben ~eile foUen innet~lb bet @ebide b~ anberen ~eile~ feinen anberen obet ~o~eten inneren ~aften obet ®teuem untet" toorfen mer>~n: aI! fie bon ben ~nge.. ~orlgen bief~ ®taat~ beanfpmd)t unb beAa~lt metben. ~ie ®taat!ange~orlgen iebe0 bet ~o~en berttagfd)ltefienben ~eile foUen untet SSeobadjtung bet am One gel.. tenben @efe~ fteien .Butritt AU ben @eridjten b~ anbeten ~eil~ ~aben, fomo~I AUt merfolgung mie AUt 58et" teibigung i~tet med)te unb Amar in aUen gefe,lidj botgefe~nen 3nftamen. ~ie ®taat!ange~orlgen ieb~ ber ~o~en berttagfd)liefienben ~eile foUen inner~alb b~ @ebiet~ b~ anbeten ~eile0, fomeit fie fid) ben fUr bie ®taat0ange~orlgen bief~ ~eiI~ bor.. gefd)rlebenen 58etingungen untettnerfen, ®dJu~ unb ®id)et~eit fUt ~erfon unb ~igentum bUtd)au0 et~altelt unb foUen in biefet .pinfid)t in bem Umfange ®dJu, geniefien, toie ba! 58oIfmed)t ~ borfdJreibt. 3~r ~igentum foU i~nen nid)t o~ne otbentlid)~ med)t~berfa~ren unb nidJt o~ne angemeffene ~tfd)libi.. gung genommen merben. $feine SSeftimmung bief~ 58ertrag~ foU ba~in aU0geIegt metben, bafi baburdj bie geltenben 580rfdjtiften iebe~ ber beiben ~o~en berttagfd)liefienben ~eile beAitglidj bet ~nmanbemng bon ~U0" llinbern obet ba0 medJt iebe~ bet beiben ~o~en bertragfd)liefienben ~eiIe, foldJe 580rfdjrlften au etlaffen, berit~rt merben. ~ttifel II. mJenn ein ®taat~"" ge~orlget ein~ bet bmen ~o~en bertrag" fd)liefienben ~eile in ben @ebieten b~ anbeten ~eil~ eine $fofl)etbetle,ung etleibd obet getiStet mitb unb ba0 meid)0", @5taat!" obet ~anb~red)t fUr foldje ~itUe ben ~nge~iSrlgen obet ~ben be0 AU ®d)aben @efommenen obet ben i~m gegenitbet Untet~alt!bered)tigten ®dju, in ~otm ein~ Rlagered)te0 ober einet @elbentfd)itbigung getoli~rt, fo foUen biefe ~nge~orlgen, ~ben obet Untet~alt!bered)tigten unter benfeIben 58ebingungen biefelben med)te unb 58et"