Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/285

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TREATY, FRIENDSHIP, ETC., -AUSTRIA. JUNE 19, 1928. 1891 the territories of, their own country. Such officers may draw up, attest, certify and authenticate unilateral acts, deeds, and testa- mentary dispositions of their countrymen, fIJld also contracts to which a countryman is a party. They may draw up, attest, certify and authenticate written instru- men ts of any kind purporting to express or embody tile conveyance or encumbrance of property of any kind within the territory of the State by which such officers are appointed, and unilateral acts, deeds, testamentary dispositions and contracts relating to property situated, or business to be trans- acted, within the territories of the State by which they are appointed, embracing unilateral acts, deeds, testamentary dispositions or agr~ ments executed solely by nationals of the State within which such officers exercise their functions. Instruments and documents thus executed and copies and translations thereof, when duly authenticated under his official seal by the consular officer, shall be received as evidence in the ter- ritories of the contracting parties as original documents or authen- ticated copies, as the case may be, and shall have the same force and effect as if drawn by and executed before a notary or other public officer duly authorized in the country by which the consular officer was appointed; provided, always that such documents shall have been drawn and executed in conformity to the laws and regu- lations of the country where they are designed to take effect. ARTICLE XIX. In case of the death of a national of either High Contracting Party in the territory of the other without having in the territory of his deceese any known heirs or testamentary executors by him appointed, the compete:lt local authorities shall at once in- form the nearest consular officer of the State of which the deceased nen einfeitige med}t~arte, Clitgentum~. ilbertTagungen unb Ie~troiUige SBa.. fttgungen iI)rer ~a~Ieute auffe~, befd}einigen, beglClubigen unb Iegalt.. fieren, ebenfo SBerttdge, bet benen ein ~anb~mClnn ~(lftei tft. eie f6nnen ed}rlftftude ieber ~rt ClUffe~, be.. fd}einigen, beglClubigen unb legaUfiaen, bie bie ~btretung ober 58elClftung bon (;ligentum trgenbroeld}er ~rt inner~lb b~ @ebiet~ be!ienigen etClClt~, butd) ben fold}e 58eamte anannt finb, aum ~u~brud bringen ober aum 3nl)Cllt ~en, faner einfeitige med}t~fte, ~igentum~ilberttagungen, Ie~troUlige SBerfitgungen unb SBertrdge, .bie fid} auf Cliigentum inner~alb ber @ebiete b~ etClClt~, bon bern fie ernannt finb, ober aUf @efd}dfte, bie bort Clbgefd}loffen roerben foUen, beateben, etnfd)liefJlid) einfeitiger med}t~fte, Cliigentumfilber.. tragU!1Qen, le~troUliger SBerfitgungen ober Ubereinfommen, bie nur bon ~nge" ~6rigen be~ et(l(l~ borgenommen fiub, in bem fold}e 58eamte i~re ~mt~. gefd}dfte ClU~ilben. Urfunben unb i)ofumente, bie fo boUaogen roorben finb, unb ~bfd}riften unb iibertrllgungen babon foUen, roenn fie uon bem $tonfulClrbeamten orb" nung~emdfi unter feinem ~mt~fiegel legllIifiert finb, in ben @ebieten ber berttllgfd}liefienhen XeiIe Ill~ 58eroei~.. mittel augelaffen roerben, unb aroar al~ Driginalurfunben ober al-3 legaUjierte mfd}rlfien, ie nad} ~age be~ tjaUe~, unb fie foUen biefelbe Rraft unb 5IDirfung ~Ilben, Ill~ roenn fie bon einem in bem ~Ilnbe, burd} bll~ ber $tonfulClr- beamte mumnt rourbe, ~ieau befugten motar ober anberen tiffentlid}en 58eam. ten Clufgefe~t unb bor i!)m uoUaogen rodren, immer borllu~efe~t, bafi folq,e Urfunben in fibereinftimmung mit ben @efe~n unb morfd}rlften be~ ~anb~ Ilufgefe~t unb boUaogen roorben flnb, roo fie in 5IDirffllmfeit au treten be" ftimmt ftnb. t'nllateral acts, etc. Effect as e~idence. Ot'..4.!'el XIX ~anR et'n t:':::.4-"'lltRllnne Notice of death in one u ....u •U I;> ~"' I;> l)"' country of a national of ~6rlger eine~ ber beiben ~o~en bertrag"' the other. fd}liefienben Xeile im ®ebiete b~ anberen fterben follte r o~ne in bem ~Ilnbe feind ~blebt.n~ befllnnte (fiben ober bon il}m ernannte Xeftament~bollftreder au ~interlaffen, follen bie auftdnbigen tirt .. Ud}en 58eb6rben forort ben ndd}ften Ronfularbeamten ~ etll~, beffen et(l(l~ange~6riger ber &rftorbene roar,