Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/299

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CONVENTION-COMMERCIAL AVIATION. FEBRUARY 20, 1928. 190~ AlmcLEXIV Each and every contracting state shall recognize as valid, certifi- tl ReclPfr~lft r~l-f tef t fh.ft d-I . d on 0 cer. ca..... 0 ca so compe ency 0 t e alrcra comman er, PlOtS, engtneers an competency. other members of the operatin~ crew of an aircraft, issued in accord- ance with the laws and regulations of other contracting states. AlmCLEXV Th . b. ftfl' d'. f Transportation or e1:- e carrIage yalrcra 0 exp OSlVes, arms an mumtIOns 0 war ploslves etc. forbid- i~ prohibited in mternational aerial navigation. Therefore, no for- den. • • ei~ or native aircraft authorized for international traffic shall be ~r- mltted to transport articles of this nature, either between points SItu- ated within the territory of any of the contracting states or through the same even though simply in transit. AIrI'ICLE XVI Each state may prohibit or regulate the carriage or use, by aircraft in~=PTarmstroBot (talk) possessing the nationality of other contracting states, of photographic paratus. apparatus. Such regulations as ma! be adopted by each state con- cerning this matter shall be communicated to each other contracting state and to the Pan American Union. AlmCLE XVII As a measure of public safety or because of lawful prohibitions~ the peTarmstroBot (talk) restrictions transportation of articles in international navigation other than those . mentIoned in Articles 15 and 16 may be restricted by any contracting state. Such restrictions shall be immediately communicated to the other contracting states and to the Pan AmerIcan Union. All restrictions mentioned in this article shall aprly ~ually to foreign and national aircraft employed in intemati9na traffic. AlmCLE XVIII Every aircraft engaged in international traffic which enters the air flJd~rts and land Ina space of a contracting state with the intention of landing in said state shall do so in the correspon~ing customs airdrome, except in the cases mentioned in Article 19 and in case of force majeure, which Po•• p. 1906. must be pr~ved. Every aircraft engaged in international navigation, prior to its Clearance. departure from the territorial jurisdiction of a contractmg state in which it has landed, shall obtain such clearance as is required by the laws of such state at a port designated as point of departure by such state. D' ted al Each and every contracting state shall notify every other state to I!'=un~.rports party to this convention and the Pan American Union of such air- ports as shall bP. designated by such ,state as ports of entry and de- parture. When the laws or regulations of any contracting state so require, fo~rolg:TarmstroBot (talk):· no aircraft shall legally enter into or depart from its territory through - places other than those previously authorized by such state as inter- national airports, and the landing therein shall be obligatory unless ~ special permit, which has been previously communicated to the au- thorities of saId airport, is obtamed from the competent authorities of said state, in which permit shall be clearly expreS8ed the distinctive marks which the aircraft is obliged to make vi6ble whenever re- quested to do so in the manner previously agreed upon .in said permit. In the event that for any reason, after entering the territorial juris- diction of a contracting state, aircraft of another contracting state should land at a point other than an airport desilPlated as a port of entry in that state the aircraft commander shall Immediately notify