Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/338

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1944 POSTAL CONVENTION-AMERICAS AND SPAIN. NOV. 10, 1931. Markingpostagepaid 2. En aquellos pafses de 10. articles. Uni6n Postal de las Americas y Espana en que se haya estable- cido 0 se establezcll el "porte pagado" para los diarios y publi- caciones peri6dicas, incluso las de propaganda y r~clamo, los paquetes que los contengan debe- ran llevar en su cubierta 10. men- ci6n "port,e pagado". Interchange of infor· Las Administraciones remitiran mation. a las demas, por conducto de 10. Oficina Internacional de Monte- video, cualquier indicaci6n util para que las Oficinas de Cambio puedan distinguirlos facilmente de aquellos que 110 gocen de dicho privilegio. ~:r20:26, 11 June 2014 (UTC)~tiY pre· 3. En el anverso de los sobres de las cartas insuficientemente franqueadas, la Administraci6n de ori~en estampara el sello "T" y corungnarala. indicaci6n in fran- c~s 0.1'0 del importe de la insufi- CienCIa. ARTfcULO 5 Valijas diplomdticas Sj!seig~~ ~1pl~~aTarmstroBot (talk) 1. EI peso y dimensiones de las poucbes. valijas diplomaticas que se cam- bien entre cada uno de los Minis- terios de Relaciones Exterio!'es de los paises de la Uni6n Postal de las Americas y Espana y sus representantes diplomaticos en los otros paises, en virtud de 10 dispuesto en el parrafo 2 del articulo 10 del Convenio, seran determinados de comdn a.cuerdo entre las partes interesadas, pero no deberan exceder del peso maximo de 30 kilogramos. Formality of sending. 2 . Los Ministerios de Relacio- Fastenings. Transit routes. nes Exteriores y losre;presentantes dip~omaticos de:positaran estas valijas en las Oficmas de Correos, bajo recibo, y con la misma forma- lidad seran entregadas por estas a sus destinatarios. 3. Dichas valij as estaran pro- vistas de cerraduras 0 candados de seguridad apropiados a la importancia de estos envios. 4. Las valijas diplomaticas se- rin cursadas por las mismas vias que utilice la Administraci6n ex- pedidora para el envfo de su 2. In those countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain where the "postage paid" service is or may be established for newspapers and periodical publications, including those fo:r:' propaganda and advertising, the packages containing them shall bear on their covers tho.) note: ~'Porte Pagado" (postage paid). The administratIOns will send to the others, through the inter- mediary of the International Of- fice of Montevideo, any useful information so that the exchange offices may easily distinguish them from those which do not enjoy said privilege. 3. On the obverse side of the envelopes of insufficiently prepaid letters, the Administration of origin will place the "T" stamp, and will indicate in gold francs the amount of the insufficiency. ARTICLE 5 Diplomatic pou.;hes 1. The weight and dimensions of the diplomatic pouches ex- changed between each of the Ministries of Foreir Relations of the countries 0 the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain and their diplomatic representa- tives in the other countries, by virtue of the provisions of Section 2 of Article 10 of the Convention, will be determined by common consent between the parties con- cerned, but must not exceed the maximum weight of 30 kilograms. 2. The Ministries of Foreign Relations and the diplomatic rep- resentatives will deposit these pouches in the post offices,' taking a receipt, and they will be deliver- ed by the post offices to their addressees with the same for- mality. 3. The said pouches will be provided with safety fastenings or locks appropriate to the impor- tance of such dispatches. 4. The diplomatic pouches will be forwarded by the same routes used by the dispatching Adminis- tration for the sending of its