Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/339

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POSTAL CONVENTION-AMERICAS AND SPAIN. NOV. 10, 193L 1945 correspondencia a la Admjnistra- ci6n de d-,stino, anunciandose dicho envfo por medio de una nota consignada en la hoja de aviso del despacho que las contenga. 5. Salvo acuerdo en contrario entre las partes interesadas, las valijas diplomlt.ticas no se ex- pediran en fr8.llquicia por la via aerea. ARTfcULO 6 Oorrespondencia diplomatica y cOn81,J,a,r La correspondencia diploma- tica y consular debera llevar las siguientes indicaciones: e1 nombre de 1a Embajada, Legaci6n 0 Con- sulado remitente ~ 1a inscripci6n, muy ostensible, de "correspon- dencia diplomatica " 0 ' 'corres- pondencia consular", ademas de la declaraci6n "libre de porte", 1a cua! debera hacerse debajo de squella inscripd6n. ARTicULO 7 Estadistica de derec1ws de iransit~ Como consecuencia de la gra- tuidad del transito a que se refiere el articulo 3 del Convenio, las Administraciones de los paises contratantes no efectuaran nin- guna operaci6n de estadfstica de derechos de transito, en rela- cion con aquellos despachos que 8610 contengan correspondencia americoespanola, siempre que eata correspondencia Be curse sin la mediaci6n de paises 0 servicios extranos a la Uni6n Postal de las Americas y Espana. ARTiCULO 8 Oonstit'UCiOn .f::cw~na, Imer- El Director de la Oficina Inter- nacional sera nombrado por el Gobiemo de la Rep1iblica Orien- tal del Uruguay, a propuesta de la Admjnjstraci6n general de Co- rreos, Telegrafos y Te1efonos de dicho pais, y gozara de la retribu- ci6n mensual de 500 pesos uru- guayos. correspondence to the Adminis- tration of destination1 their send- ing being announced by means of a note entered in the letter bill of the dispatch containing them. 5. IIi the absence of agreement Dispatch under rrank· to the contra:a. between the part- Ing privilege by air mall. ies conceme, the diplomatic pouches shall not be dispatched under the franking privilege by air mail. ARTICLE 6 Diplomatic and con8't.dar corre- spondence D·1 t' d ul Indications to ap- Ip oma IC an cons ar cor- pear on diplomatic and respondence shall bear the follow- consul8.r correspond· ing indications: the name of the ence. sending Embassy, Lega.tion or Consulate and the conspicuous inscription "Diplomatic Corre- spondence" or "Consular Corre- spondence," in Mdition to the declaration "libre de porte" (free of postage) which shall be under th~ former inscription. ARTICLE 7 Transit statistics As a result of the ~tuity of . Tr~t COlt stati&- . f db' f t1cs • transIt re erre •to y ·Icle 3 0 Ante, p. 1925. the Convention, the Administra- . tions of the contracting coun- tries will not perform any transit cost statistical operations in con- nection with dispatches contain- ing Americo-Spanish correspond- ence exclusively, whenever this correspondence IS forwarded with- out the intervention of countries or services foreign to the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain. ARTICLE 8 Oonstitution oj the International Office The Director of the Intemation- Director of tile Inter· Iom willb . ted b h uatiODa1 omce. a ce e appom Iy t e Appointment. Government of the Republic of Uruguay, at the proposal of the Adminjstration of Posts, Tele- graphs and Telephones of the said country, and will receive monthly Compeuaation. compensation in the sum of 500 Uruguayan pesos.