Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/421

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MULTILA1'EHAL CONVENTION-"\VAR PRISONERS. JULY 27,1929. 2027 pr~ S. M. Ie Roi des Serbes, Croates et Slov~nesi DeI~tS per- manent aupres de a SoCIete des Nations, S. Exc. M. Oskar Voit, EnvoytS extraordinaire et Ministre pIeni- potentiaire de Lettonie en Suisse, en Allemagne, en Hongrie et aux Pays-Bas; . SON ALTESSE ROYALE LA GRANDE- DUCHESSE DE LUXEMBOURG: M. Charles Vermaire, Consul du Grand-DuchtS a. Geneve; LE PRESIDENT DES ETATS-UNIS DU MEXIQUE: S. Exc. M. Francisco Castillo Najera, GtSntSral MMecin1 En- voytS extraordinaire et Mmistre pIenipot,entiaire de Mexique a. Bruxelles; Latvia to His Majesty the King o:~:;=nt1ar1ee­ of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, Permanent Delegate to the League of Nations, His Excellency Mr. 08kar Voit, Envoy Extraordinary and Min- ister Plenipotentiary of Latvia in Switzerland, Germany, Hungary, and the Netherlands; HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE GRAND DUCHESS OF LUXEMBOURG: M. Charles Vermaire, Consul of the Grand Duchy at Geneva; THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES O~., MEXICO: His Excellency Sr. Francisco Castillo Najera, Surgeon General, Envoy Extraordinary and Min- ister Plenipotentiary of Mexico at Brussel<:J; LE PREsIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC DE NICARAGUA: M. Antoine Sottile, Dr en Droit, DtSltSgutS permanent de Nicaragua aupres de la SociettS des Nations; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE NORVEGE: S. Exc. M . Johannes Irgens, Envoye extraordinaire et Minis- tre pIenipotentiaire de N orvege a. Berne, Rome et Athenes, M. Jens Christian Meinich, Commandant d'Infanterie, Secre- taire general de la Croix-Rouge norvtSgieD.t1e; SA MAJESTE LA REINE DES PAYS- BAS: S. Exc. M . Willem Isaac Doude van Troostti:~]SEnvoytS extra- ordinaire et .. tre pIenipoten- tiaiIe des Pays-Bas a. Berne, M. Johan Carl Diehl, Major- General, MMecin Inspecteur ge- neral du Service de Sante de l'Armoo, Vice-President de la Croix-Rouge noorlandaise, M. Jacob Harberts, Comman- dant a. l'Etat-Major gentSral, Pro- fesseur a. l'Ecole supeneure de Guerre; 3051°--33 - -PT2----26 OF NICARAGUA: Sr. Antoine Sottile, Doctor of Laws, Permanent Delegate of Nicaragua to the League of N a- tions; HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF NOR- WAY: His Excellency Mr. Johannes ~ens, Envoy Extraordinary and MInister Plenipotentiary of Nor- way at Berne, Rome, and Athens, Mr. Jens Christian Meinich, Commandant of Infantry, Secre- tary General of the Norwegian Red Cross; HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN OF THE NETHERLANDS: His Excellency Mr. Willem Isaac Doude van Troost'!ijk, En- voy Extraordin.ary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Nether- lands e..t Berne, Major-General. Johan Carl Diehl, Inspector-General. of the Medical. Corps of the Army, Vice President of the Netherland Red Cross, Mr. Jacob Harberts, Com- mandant of the General Staff, Professor at the War College;